Bomber man inspired game
Brief discussion of what the game is and why you chose to make it
List of the technologies you're using (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
- JavaScript
- The user will be greeted with a clean screen and select start when they wish to play.
- The user will battle NPC's and against another player to achieve victory.
- Last player standing will be the winner.
Code samples, description of challenges you overcame, etc.
- Switched from a functional to class and prototype style
- Player 1 Controls: Move up, right, down, left: wdsa Drop bomb: X
- Player 2 Controls: Move up, right, down, left: Arrow Keys Drop bomb: L
Any credits or notes you feel you should add
- Good practice with collision detection and manipulating the dom on a high level with many moving parts
If you had more time to work on your game, what would you do?
- Solve the mystery of the ghost blank div explosions.
- Add points for destruction.
- Make a single player version with random levels and difficulty settings.