This is a Fork of fish2/docker-storman. I have add the Unraid istall xml and Icon.
To install in Unraid add in Docker tab under "Template repositories:"
After that the Template "storeman" is available.
Thanks to Fish2 for this working Docker Container.
Purpose Container running the Adaptec Maxview Storage Manager application and the necessary daemons.
With this container, you can manage an Adaptec RAID adapter on the dockerhost. It is based on Ubuntu from phusion/baseimage and Adaptec MSM version V3.03-23668
It should be run with --privileged, in order to have access to the hardware and insert the necessary kernel modules.
Create Command Listening on port 8443 (user=root, password=docker):
docker create --name=storman --hostname=storman --privileged -e TZ=<timezone> -e PGID=1000 -e PUID=1000 -p 8443:8443/tcp fish2/docker-storman
Build with Custom Password Build first edditing the password arg
docker build -t fish2/docker-storman --build-arg password={your password here}