An Ansible Collection of roles to install one or more of the following Bacula Enterprise Edition components: A Director (using a PostgreSQL catalog), a File Daemon (FD) only, a Storage Daemon (SD) only, FD plugins, SD plugins, and/or BWeb in RHEL/CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu/OracleLinux/SLES Linux distributions.
This collection has been tested against following Ansible versions: >=2.9,<2.12.
A valid Bacula Systems subscription is required to make use of this Ansible Collection.
library package must be installed on the Ansible host running the playbook (eg:apt install python3-jmespath
on Debian 10). This is needed for thejson_query
filter. This requirement is included in the requirements.txt file available in the collection. -
variable should be set in your Ansible configuration to avoid the warning:
[WARNING]: Module remote_tmp ... did not exist and was created with a mode of 0700, this may cause issues when running as another user. To avoid this, create the remote_tmp dir with the correct permissions manually
For example:
remote_tmp = ~/.ansible/tmp
Bacula Systems strongly recommends having a fully patched system before installing any Bacula component. This being the case, all the roles are written to automatically trigger the Linux distribution's update/upgrade process (eg: apt update; apt upgrade in Debian/Ubuntu) prior to deploying any of the Bacula components.
Some roles have a templates
directory with Clients, Jobs and Filesets that will be deployed when using the roles. We strongly recommend that you adapt these templates to your environment before deploying Clients and Plugins.
Before using the Bacula Enterprise collection, it must be installed with the Ansible Galaxy command:
# ansible-galaxy collection install baculasystems.bacula_enterprise
Role | Description |
bee | install Bacula Enterprise Edition - PostgreSQL Catalog. This role may install PostgreSQL required packages if not present in the host. This role also installs the Bacula Director (DIR), a Storage Daemon (SD), and a File Daemon (SD). |
bee-fdonly | install Bacula File Daemon only. This is a Bacula Client. |
bee-sdonly | Install a Bacula Storage. This role follows the recommended procedure to install Bacula Enterprise Edition and stop/disable the Director. |
bee-fdplugin | install a Bacula Enterprise Plugin in a Bacula Client host. Please note it is required to have a Bacula File Daemon installed and running before installing the File Daemon Plugin. |
bee-sdplugin | install a Bacula Enterprise Plugin in a Bacula Storage host. Please note it is required to have a Bacula Storage Daemon installed and running before installing the Storage Daemon Plugin. |
bee_plugindependencies | install Plugins required dependencies. This role is required and used by both the bee-fdplugin and the bee-sdplugin roles. |
The roles have most of the variables defined in the vars
directories or in the default/main.yml
Please set your Bacula Enterprise Edition subscription's repository URL (download area), the dl_area
variable, in the default/main.yml
file for each role prior to using them.
You may use the following command to set all dl_area
values at once:
# find /root/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/baculasystems/bacula_enterprise/roles/ -name main.yml -exec sed -i 's/@@customer@/<your_download_area_string>/g' {} \;
The Bacula Clients (File Daemons) and the Bacula Storage Daemons will use the password used by the Director {} resource present in the bacula-fd.conf and bacula-sd.conf files respectively to communicate with the remote Director provided in the deployment.
The variables in the following table must be set in a playbook, in an inventory file, or by passing them with the --extra-vars
option on the command line. Depending on the role used, the following variables may be required: bee_version, director_hostname, client_hostname, client_name
, storage_hostname
, storage_name
, volumes_directory
and dedup_directories
Variable | Description |
bee_version | the Bacula Enterprise Edition version, for example: 16.0.7 |
director_hostname | the FQDN of the Director host, for example: . The name of the Director is, by default, the hostname + "-dir". In this example, the Director name will be baculadir-dir |
client_hostname | the FQDN of the Client host, for example, |
client_name | the name of the File Daemon/Client. For example, baculaclient1-fd . If not specified, the client_name will be automatically created using the client_hostname + -fd |
storage_hostname | the FQDN of the Storage host, for example, |
storage_name | the name of the Storage. For example, baculasd1-sd . If not specified, the storage_name will be the storage_hostname + -sd |
volumes_directory | this variable will be required when using the bee-sdonly and bee-sdplugin roles. This is where the Bacula volumes will be stored. It is the value used in the SD Device resource(s) Archive Device = xxxx directive(s). |
dedup_directories | these are the Dedup Index, the Dedup Containers and the Dedup Volumes directories required when using the bee-sdplugin role to install the GED plugin. If not defined, the default values are /opt/bacula/dedup/index , /opt/bacula/dedup/containers and /opt/bcula/dedup/volumes . They may be modified using --extra-vars='{"dedup_directories": [/mnt/dedup/index, /mnt/dedup/containers, /mnt/dedup/volumes]}' . Please note the first directory will be used for the Dedup Index and the second one for the Dedup Containers. |
catalog_name | by default, the roles will use the first Catalog name found in the configuration files. If you wish, you may specify a different Catalog name to be used for the Clients installed using the catalog_name variable. |
jobdefs_name | by default, the roles will use the first JobDefs resource name found in the configuration files. If you wish, you may specify a different JobDefs resource name to be used for the Jobs installed using the jobdefs_name variable. |
install_gdb | this variable allows you to install, along with Bacula Enterprise, the gdb debugger. Having gdb installed by default in the Bacula Enterprise host is helpful as it provides helpful information for debugging purposes. The default is no . |
The following examples use the playbooks in the tests
directory of the Bacula Enterprise collection.
- To deploy Bacula Enterprise Edition (DIR, SD, and FD)
on a host with the
using the --extra_vars command line option, and thebee.yml
# ansible-playbook -i, tests/bee.yml --extra-vars " bee_version=16.0.7"
This is the tests/bee.yml
file referenced in the command line above:
- hosts: "{{ director_hostname }}"
remote_user: root
- name: Install Bacula Enterprise Edition - PostgreSQL Catalog
name: baculasystems.bacula_enterprise.bee
- Using an inventory file to install two remote Bacula Enterprise Edition version
File Daemon to the
, and deploy the two clients' resource definitions in the Director's configuration on
host, first an inventory file needs to be created:
Note: In this example, please be sure to edit the tests/clients.yaml
inventory file to match your environment.
The tests/clients.yaml
inventory file (edit to match systems in your environment):
client_name: client1-fd
bee_version: 16.0.7
Then, to deploy the two Bacula File Daemons to the two hosts using the bee-fdonly.yml
playbook and the above clients.yaml
inventory file:
# ansible-playbook -i tests/clients.yaml tests/bee-fdonly.yml
This is the tests/bee-fdonly.yml
playbook referenced in the command line above:
- hosts: clients
- name: Install and configure Bacula File Daemon
name: baculasystems.bacula_enterprise.bee_fdonly
- To install the Bacula Enterprise Edition MySQL File Daemon Plugin version
in the remote client on
host, and deploy the plugin configuration (basic FileSet, not including plugin options in most of the cases) in the Director's configuration on
host, using the --extra_vars command line option:
# ansible-playbook tests/bee-fdplugin.yml -i, --extra-vars " client_name=client1-fd bee_version=16.0.7 fdplugin=mysql"
In the above example, the client name in the bacula-fd.conf file will be modified to client1-fd
instead of
. The name used in the Client resource in the Director configuration will also be deployed using client1-fd
This is the tests/bee-fdplugin.yml
playbook referenced in the commmand line above:
- hosts: "{{ client_hostname }}"
- name: Install File Daemon, if not installed
name: baculasystems.bacula_enterprise.bee_fdonly
- name: Install Plugin dependencies
name: baculasystems.bacula_enterprise.bee_plugindependencies
- name: Install the File Daemon Plugin
name: baculasystems.bacula_enterprise.bee_fdplugin
- In the example, two remote Bacula Enterprise Edition version
Storage Daemons will be deployed to the
, using an inventory file. Bacula Enterprise Edition DIR, SD, and FD components will also be installed and the Bacula Director service will be automatically disabled. First an inventory file needs to be created:
The tests/storages.yaml
inventory file (edit to match systems in your environment):
bee_version: 16.0.7
volumes_directory: /opt/bacula/volumes
Then, to deploy the two Bacula Storage Daemons to the two hosts using the tests/bee-sdonly.yml
playbook and the above tests/storages.yaml
inventory file:
# ansible-playbook -i tests/storages.yaml tests/bee-sdonly.yml
This is the tests/bee-sdonly.yml
playbook referenced in the command line above:
- hosts: storages
- name: Install and configure Bacula Storage Daemon only
name: baculasystems.bacula_enterprise.bee_sdonly
- To install a Bacula Enterprise Edition dedup (GED) Storage Daemon Plugin version
host (deployed in the example 4 above), using the --extra_vars command line option:
# ansible-playbook -i, tests/bee-sdplugin.yml --extra-vars '{"storage_hostname":"", "storage_name":"bacula-dedup-sd", "bee_version":"16.0.7", "sdplugin":"dedup", "volumes_directory":"/mnt/dedup/data/volumes", "dedup_directories":["/mnt/dedup/index", "/mnt/dedup/data/containers"], "director_hostname":""}'
This is the tests/bee-sdplugin.yml
playbook referenced in the command line above:
- hosts: "{{ storage_hostname }}"
- name: Install Plugin Dependencies
name: baculasystems.bacula_enterprise.bee_plugindependencies
- name: Install the Storage Daemon Plugin
name: baculasystems.bacula_enterprise.bee_sdplugin
- To deploy Bacula Enterprise BWeb Management Suite
on a host with the
using the --extra_vars command line option, and thebweb.yml
# ansible-playbook -i, tests/bweb.yml --extra-vars " bee_version=16.0.7"
This is the tests/bee.yml
file referenced in the command line above:
- hosts: "{{ director_hostname }}"
- name: Install BWeb Management Suite
name: baculasystems.bacula_enterprise.bweb
From Bacula Enterprise Edition 16.0.7, it is possible to use the Bacula Enterprise Ansible Collection to deploy new File Daemons and/or new Storage Daemon in your environment even if you have the configuration files already split using BWeb. In this collection, we provide the re-split-configuration.yml playbook that will re-split the configuration added by the Ansible collection for the new resources in the current BWeb directory structure:
# ansible-playbook -i, tests/re-split-configuration.yml --extra-vars ""
- hosts: "{{ director_hostname }}"
remote_user: root
- name: Re split the configuration using the /opt/bweb/bin/ script
shell: "/opt/bweb/bin/ -F -d /opt/bacula/etc/conf.d/ -b /opt/bacula/bin/ -f /opt/bacula/etc/bacula-dir.conf -c Director"
become: yes
become_user: bacula
- name: reload Director configuration
shell: echo "reload" | /opt/bacula/bin/bconsole
register: reload_result
delegate_to: "{{ director_hostname }}"
- debug: msg="{{ reload_result.stdout.split('\n') }}"
- debug: msg="{{ reload_result.stderr.split('\n') }}"
- name: display any message in bconsole
shell: echo "messages" | /opt/bacula/bin/bconsole
register: status_messages
delegate_to: "{{ director_hostname }}"
- debug: msg="{{ status_messages.stdout.split('\n') }}"
Please note all the examples above can use an inventory file and/or --extra-vars or you may modify the playbooks to use any variable assignment allowed in Ansible.
License: Copyright (C) 2000-2020 Kern Sibbald / BSD 2-Clause; see file LICENSE