These are the dotfiles for my Sway + Arch Linux system. The system primarily carries a nord/nord-adjacent theme, with a slightly more lenient approach taken for select elements like Waybar. This project is still a work-in-progress. Certain applications--most notably dunst--are certainly not ideal, but lack any suitable alternatives that I could find. In the case of Dunst, SwayNotificationCenter (SwayNC) would likely be the best replacement, but is bloated with over a dozen dependencies--many of those with their own dependencies--meaning that it would install over two dozen packges by the end of it.
Intent on keeping a minimal installation, third party dependencies have been kept to a minimum. This means that most relevant dependencies should be installed with the configured packages themselves. I have included a one-line command to add all dotfiles from this repo to your system. Eventually I intend to have it handle dependency resolution / package installation as well.
The only notable package deviation is ranger, which--as of now, at least--must be ranger-git from the AUR instead of the standard ranger package from the Arch repositories. This is due to the implimentation of sixel, the only image preview method that seems to work on Wayland + Foot.
The following command will clone this repository and use stow to link all included files to their intended destinations. While I intend to eventually adapt this command to handle dependencies, it will not currently. Additionally, this command does not handle resolution of device name changes. This will most notably be a problem for display devices for Sway's output, brightness control, and more. This may be eventually built in, but due to Sway's strange handling of variables it seems unlikely to be even possible, much less reliable.
cd $HOME && git clone && stow .
Nord Nvim Theme: