Releases: Banane9/NeosBoundedUIX
Version v2.4.1
Release 2.4.0
If you've ever couldn't select something on an axis-aligned canvas... that's fixed now.
Also added two new options for how the target is determined. By default, this allows targeting covered elements (e.g. by a darkening filter) by simply pressing again.
Release v2.3.0 - Settings!
Makes UIX elements selectable and editable with the usual Slot gizmos, as well as fixing UIX elements breaking when a parent is inserted.
Selection, Gizmo and Slot creation behavior, as well as the names of newly inserted slots can be modified in the settings.
Using the Create Pivot at Center button on Slots will create a parent with a point-anchor and symmetrical offsets to achieve the size.
Also adds @art0007i's addition of highlighting the preferred area of an element.
Release v2.2.2
This properly implements UIX layering for the element selection using the DevTip.
If you can't select something, it's because as far as the UIX layout is concerned, whatever you are selecting is rendered over it.
Also tweaks the Gizmo offset from the surface (10cm -> 2cm).
Release v2.2.1
This fixes an oversight where the RectTransform component wouldn't be added when inserting children under the root canvas slot.
It also improves selecting UIX elements directly with the DevTip, especially around masks.
Release v2.2.0
Makes UIX Elements selectable with the DevTip. Takes deepest hierarchy element that was hit, moving up to a Button if there is one.
Release v2.1.0
- Proper Undo-Batching for the gizmo changes
- Swap Anchor and Offset movement modes
- Fix UIX elements breaking when a parent is inserted (automatically adds RectTransform components to children and parents inserted with the inspector, when the current Slot already has a RectTransform)
Initial Release v1.0.0
Adds selection gizmo bounding boxes to UIX elements.