PHP Class to control MiLights through the Wifi Controller Box, iBox1 and iBox2 protocol version 6.
If you have a working iBox controller with linked lights, this is a basic usage example to set the lamps in zone 1 to warm white, with 80% brightness:
$oMiLight = new milight();
$oMiLight->setController(""); // the IP-address of you iBox Controller Box
$oMiLight->changeLight(["color" => 256, "intensity" => 80], 1);
To link a light to zone 1, call this function within 3 seconds after switching on the light:
To unlink a light from all linked controllers in zone 1:
All available options for the changeLight function:
0 = red
85 = green
170 = blue
255 = red
256 = 100% warm white
356 = 100% cold white
from 0 (very dim)
to 100 (full brightness)
saturation (applies only to colors):
0 = mix no white
100 = mix 100% white
on = turn lights on
off = turn lights off
night = turn on night mode
speedup = speed up (for disco modes)
speeddown = speed down (for disco modes)
1 to 9
To change the internal lamp of the iBox1 controller (U shaped device), use this function:
$oMiLight->changeIBoxLight("color", 1); // sets the color to red
The first parameter can be one of these:
color (requires second parameter from 0 to 255)
intensity (requires second parameter from 0 to 100)
disco (requires second parameter from 1 to 9)
NOTE: The iBox1 lamps remembers its intensity setting for white and color seperately.