SimpleFundTracker is a program that finds selected mutual funds, stores them in a file, and does different calculations to project possible age of retirement. Currently, I am working on implementing multiple graphing capabilities for the program as well.
SimpleFundTracker relies on the user to provide the symbol for a particular fund or index. It then scours Yahoo's finance page to gather the lastest statistics. I am also working on making it possible to run checks on multiple funds at once (for those of you with diverse portfolios).
This is a project I have been working on for fun. Please don't take any of the numbers or calculations too seriously. It is a total work in progress. I will add more details as the project moves forward.
Not a lot of time to mess with this old project lately, or at least to push changes, but coming soon:
-An actual working user interface -Graphing capabilities -What your current retirement income would look like in know you want to see.