- Campina Grande, PB - Brasil
github repo for https://learn.cantrill.io/p/aws-certified-solutions-architect-associate-saa-c03
Repo for https://learn.cantrill.io/p/aws-certified-developer-associate
Debug your GitHub Actions via SSH by using tmate to get access to the runner system itself.
SilvaMatteus / a-cluster
Forked from clenimar/a-clusterit's just scripts...
A custom principal builder for Apache Kafka.
FedML - The Research and Production Integrated Federated Learning Library: https://fedml.ai
The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
Traversal over Python's objects subtree and calculate the total size of the subtree in bytes (deep size).
Python wrapper for open source Zero Proof Knowledge Library
💻 ⌚ Access Xiaomi Miband from Linux using Bluetooth LE and activate actions with it in an easy and intuitive way
mloskot / nanodbc
Forked from nanodbc/nanodbcA small C++ wrapper for the native C ODBC API
The official Syft worker for Web and Node, built in Javascript
An application allowing to submit verified transactions to educhain
A pool of transactions to be included in the edublockchain
A simple proof-of-concept of a blockchain in different languages. In these implementations, there will be an application of a blockchain in a real problem: the transfer of money between two people …
🤖 ML algorithms implemented from scratch and provided block by block
A Peer-to-peer Platform for Secure, Privacy-preserving, Decentralized Data Science
📟 An instance of your terminal in your browser
Pomodoro timer that runs on MacOsX, Windows and Debian derivated distro terminals.
A Framework for Encrypted Machine Learning in TensorFlow