What camera are we selling? - Cannon, Nikon, Fujifilm, Panasonic, Polariod
We would resell the cameras and have brand new cameras for sell.
1 Be able to click the shop 2 Have a cart 3 Be able to add things to the cart
One Landing Page (LOGO) Index child1 new camera inventory child2 used camera inventory
Some issues that we incountered while making this app was the routes and the backend
Shop Page CheckOut Page
All images for our inventory can be found on bestbuy (https://www.bestbuy.com/)
Nikon Camera. (2023). Pinterest. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/941533865866059204/ Photo Setup. (2023). Pinterest. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/480548222751374494/
Aesthetics Red Stars
Git Hub Link https://github.com/Benji250/Camsy-Project-2 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UluZWe_h4qNzueTat8Y07CFQltlnELTMV3nCkJJ2CFo/edit
Credits: D'Angelo Eugene, Cesar Cruz, Benny Saucedo, Cristian Nambo