- Kyiv, Ukraine
Small application to help android developers to quickly enable and disable proxy settings
New Tab Override allows you to set the page that shows whenever you open a new tab.
Service Virtualization Solution – a combined Service Stub and Transparent Proxy
Google Chrome, Firefox, and Thunderbird extension that lets you write email in Markdown and render it before sending.
Lightweight keyword library for implementing the PageObject pattern in Robot Framework
Set of keywords and variables that are often handy when testing web apps.
Robot Framework keyword library wrapper for faker
Web testing library for Robot Framework
Faker is a Python package that generates fake data for you.
Parallel executor for Robot Framework test cases.
Robot Framework Faker library example
To allow Docker based builds through a Docker running Jenkins Server
Update Google Chrome in a CircleCI's container image
Run your application at full speed while syncing your code for development, finally empowering you to utilize docker for development under OSX/Windows/*Linux
Minimal Ubuntu Installation and power optimization steps
Jenkins improved UI - Atlassian style
Haven is an open source Docker container management system. It integrates container, application, cluster, image, and registry management in one single place.
Drupal 9 and 10 on PHP 8/7 dev containers
shell script for instaling all needed programs after OS reinstall
Test your Drupal 7 (D8 in progress) sites easier with TqExtension for Behat.