In Space Adventures, players control a spacecraft and must navigate through a field filled with meteors and enemy starships. The primary objective is to survive for as long as possible in order to rack up the highest score. To survive, the player must dodge meteors, enemy ships, and oncoming lasers from the enemy starships. Players can either dodge these obstacles or shoot and destroy them to score points.
- Meteors: Destroy meteors to earn 1 point each. These obstacles fall from the top of the screen and need to be avoided or shot down.
- Enemy Starships: Destroy enemy starships for 2 points each. These ships shoot lasers that must be dodged or destroyed.
- Lives: Start with three lives. Each time the spacecraft collides with an enemy or meteor, a life is lost. The game ends when all lives are depleted.
- Move: Use the arrow keys or the [A] and [D] keys to move the spacecraft left and right.
- Shoot: Press the spacebar to shoot lasers.
- Pause Game: Press [Esc] to pause the game.
These are the following features I want to or am planning to add:
- Scrolling Background: Add a moving background to give a better illusion of traveling through space.
- Full Screen Mode: Add the ability for the game to be played in a full screen mode.
- Enhanced Graphics and Animations: Improve game graphics with more detailed sprites. Add animations for various game events, such as explosions when ships or meteors are destroyed.
- Additional Enemy Types: Introduce new types of enemy ships with different behaviors and attack patterns.
- Python: The programming language used for developing the game.
- Pygame: A library used for game development, providing tools for rendering graphics, handling user input, and managing game states.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd space-adventures
Install the required dependencies:
pip install pygame
Run the game: