Voice Controlled Maze Game that is developed using Javascipt, HTML, CSS and Tensorflow.
This is a Voice Controlled Maze Game that is developed using Javascipt, HTML, CSS and Tensorflow. In this game, user can turn off the “Microphone” button and play the game with “right, left, up, down” arrows of keyboard. Moreover, user can activate the “Microphone” button, by this activation the game can be played using the voice commands in 4 directions : "up", "down", "left", "right". The voice controller developed using a javascript module of Tensorlflow.js that enables recognition of spoken commands, a pre-trained TensorFlow.js model used for transfer learning. Also an help info button is added to teach the game.
Game Live Demo Replit Link: https://replit.com/@BeyzaCavusoglu/Voice-Controlled-Maze?v=1