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Social Media Platform API

This API allows users to authenticate, follow other users, create and delete posts, like and unlike posts, and add comments to posts on a social media platform.

  class User {
    - name: String
    - email: String
    - password: String
    - followers: [ObjectId]
    - followings: [ObjectId]

  class Post {
    - _id: ObjectId
    - title: String
    - description: String
    - created_at: Date
    - likes: Number
    - comments: [


  class Comment {
    - _id: ObjectId
    - text: String

  User "1" -- "*" Post: Creates
  User "1" -- "*" Comment: Creates
  Post "1" -- "*" Comment: Contains

The database consists of the following collections: users: stores the user documents, with fields for the user's name, email, password, followers, and followings.

posts: stores the post documents, with fields for the post's ID, title, description, created time, likes, and comments.

Code Summary

The API is built using Node.js and Express.js, and connects to a MongoDB database for data storage.

The following endpoints are implemented:

1. POST /api/authenticate: performs user authentication and returns a JWT token.

2. POST /api/follow/{id}: follows a user with the given ID.

3. POST /api/unfollow/{id}: unfollows a user with the given ID.

4. GET /api/user: retrieves the authenticated user's profile.

5. POST /api/posts/: creates a new post.

6. DELETE /api/posts/{id}: deletes a post with the given ID.

7. POST /api/like/{id}: likes a post with the given ID.

8. POST /api/unlike/{id}: unlikes a liked post with the given ID.

9. POST /api/comment/{id}: adds a comment to a post with the given ID.

10. GET /api/posts/{id}: retrieves a single post with the given ID.

11. GET /api/all_posts: retrieves all posts created by the authenticated user.

Data Flow Diagram

  participant Client
  participant API Server
  participant Database

  Client->>API Server: Send request
  API Server->>Database: Access database
  Database->>API Server: Return data
  API Server->>Client: Return response


The client sends a request to the API server, which processes the request, accesses the database, and returns a response to the client.

├── config/
│ ├── db.js (MongoDB connection configuration)
│ ├── jwt.js (JWT configuration)
│ └── index.js (Project configuration)
├── controllers/
│ ├── auth.js (API endpoint functiоns fоr user authentication)
│ ├── follow.js (API endpoint functiоns fоr following/unfollowing usеrs)
│ ├── post.js (API endpoint functiоns fоr creating/deleting posts)
│ ├── like.js (API endpoint functiоns fоr liking/unliking posts)
│ └── comment.js (API endpoint functiоns fоr commenting on posts)
├── models/
│ ├── user.js (Mongoose model fоr the Users collection)
│ └── post.js (Mongoose model fоr the Posts collection)
├── routes/
│ ├── auth.js (ExpressJS route fоr /api/authenticate)
│ ├── follow.js (ExpressJS route fоr /api/follow/_)
│ ├── post.js (ExpressJS route fоr /api/posts/_)
│ ├── like.js (ExpressJS route fоr /api/like/_)
│ └── comment.js (ExpressJS route fоr /api/comment/_)
├── tеst/ (directory fоr API tеst cases)
├── .gitignore (list of files to ignore when pushing to Git)
├── package.json (project dependencies and scripts)
└── server.js (entry point fоr the API server)


  1. NodeJS (v16 or higher) for running natively.
  2. Docker and Docker Compose

Tech Stack

  1. NodeJS for server side.
  2. Docker for containerization.
  3. Docker Compose for container orchestration.
  4. MongoDB for database.

Steps to run the App

Set up .env variables

# write env variables to file

# server config
PORT = 7001
ENV = dev

# database config
MONGO_DATABASE  = social-media
MONGO_PORT = 27017
MONGO_URL = localhost

# jwt config
JWT_SECRET = secret

Start the docker container

docker-compose up -d

Connect with me:

bharat-chandwani anonymous_holm bharatchandwani

Languages and Tools:

docker express git javascript linux mocha mongodb nodejs postman