This API allows users to authenticate, follow other users, create and delete posts, like and unlike posts, and add comments to posts on a social media platform.
class User {
- name: String
- email: String
- password: String
- followers: [ObjectId]
- followings: [ObjectId]
class Post {
- _id: ObjectId
- title: String
- description: String
- created_at: Date
- likes: Number
- comments: [
class Comment {
- _id: ObjectId
- text: String
User "1" -- "*" Post: Creates
User "1" -- "*" Comment: Creates
Post "1" -- "*" Comment: Contains
The database consists of the following collections: users: stores the user documents, with fields for the user's name, email, password, followers, and followings.
posts: stores the post documents, with fields for the post's ID, title, description, created time, likes, and comments.
The API is built using Node.js and Express.js, and connects to a MongoDB database for data storage.
The following endpoints are implemented:
1. POST /api/authenticate: performs user authentication and returns a JWT token.
2. POST /api/follow/{id}: follows a user with the given ID.
3. POST /api/unfollow/{id}: unfollows a user with the given ID.
4. GET /api/user: retrieves the authenticated user's profile.
5. POST /api/posts/: creates a new post.
6. DELETE /api/posts/{id}: deletes a post with the given ID.
7. POST /api/like/{id}: likes a post with the given ID.
8. POST /api/unlike/{id}: unlikes a liked post with the given ID.
9. POST /api/comment/{id}: adds a comment to a post with the given ID.
10. GET /api/posts/{id}: retrieves a single post with the given ID.
11. GET /api/all_posts: retrieves all posts created by the authenticated user.
participant Client
participant API Server
participant Database
Client->>API Server: Send request
API Server->>Database: Access database
Database->>API Server: Return data
API Server->>Client: Return response
The client sends a request to the API server, which processes the request, accesses the database, and returns a response to the client.
├── config/
│ ├── db.js (MongoDB connection configuration)
│ ├── jwt.js (JWT configuration)
│ └── index.js (Project configuration)
├── controllers/
│ ├── auth.js (API endpoint functiоns fоr user authentication)
│ ├── follow.js (API endpoint functiоns fоr following/unfollowing usеrs)
│ ├── post.js (API endpoint functiоns fоr creating/deleting posts)
│ ├── like.js (API endpoint functiоns fоr liking/unliking posts)
│ └── comment.js (API endpoint functiоns fоr commenting on posts)
├── models/
│ ├── user.js (Mongoose model fоr the Users collection)
│ └── post.js (Mongoose model fоr the Posts collection)
├── routes/
│ ├── auth.js (ExpressJS route fоr /api/authenticate)
│ ├── follow.js (ExpressJS route fоr /api/follow/_)
│ ├── post.js (ExpressJS route fоr /api/posts/_)
│ ├── like.js (ExpressJS route fоr /api/like/_)
│ └── comment.js (ExpressJS route fоr /api/comment/_)
├── tеst/ (directory fоr API tеst cases)
├── .gitignore (list of files to ignore when pushing to Git)
├── package.json (project dependencies and scripts)
└── server.js (entry point fоr the API server)
- NodeJS (v16 or higher) for running natively.
- Docker and Docker Compose
- NodeJS for server side.
- Docker for containerization.
- Docker Compose for container orchestration.
- MongoDB for database.
# write env variables to file
# server config
PORT = 7001
ENV = dev
# database config
MONGO_DATABASE = social-media
MONGO_PORT = 27017
MONGO_URL = localhost
# jwt config
JWT_SECRET = secret
docker-compose up -d