// This Code alone if pasted in developer console in browser's, can scroll to the end without any human intervention
let newScrollHeight = document.body.scrollHeight let scrollHeight = 0; let initial = true;
// To minimize window.scrollBy errors let threshold = 0;
while(true){ const loading = document.querySelector("circle")
// This is the break condition with a threshold value
if(newScrollHeight === scrollHeight) threshold++;
else threshold = 0;
// If the height stays the same even after 5 attempts, then break
if(threshold>10) break;
// For running initial loop
if(initial === true) initial = false
else scrollHeight = newScrollHeight;
// For Scrolling the window and also getting a new scrollHeight
newScrollHeight = document.body.scrollHeight;
window.scrollBy(0, newScrollHeight - scrollHeight);
await wait(100)
// If the page is loading wait for 0.7 seconds before looping
else await wait(700)
console.log("loop exit")
function wait(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); }