- Seattle, WA
- http://bichengluo.me/
bichengluo.github.io Public
Personal website for blogs, projects and cool stuff
SRGAN-with-Flow-Loss Public
SRGAN + Flow Loss, a loss function regarding both the superresolution quality and temporal continuity for video superresolution based on SRGAN
A modified Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation with region of interest configuration
Skype3D Public
A simple UWP app with Skype functionalities as well as 3D characters
PlanarSight Public
PlanarSight is a small tool to generate visibility polygons in a general polygon with holes
WebGLBrush Public
WebGLBrush is a web app used to sculpt 3D models using WebGL in your browser. Based on SculptGL, the project has also been adde remote file management function.
BVHTreeRayTracer Public
A ray tracer based on bounding volume hierarchy tree (BVH tree)
C++ UpdatedDec 20, 2017 -
MiniRayTracer Public
A simple Mini Ray Tracer in 200 lines within one Cpp file
C++ UpdatedDec 10, 2016 -
K3SimSearch Public
K3SimSearch is a simple Python script as a dictionaray in which you can look up a GRE word and find its similar words
Resume_BichengLUO Public
This repository is for resumes written in Markdown.
Skype4Sharp Public
Forked from lin-e/Skype4SharpSimple Web Skype implementation for C#
C# Other UpdatedJun 29, 2016 -
GeometryViewer Public
Viewer for observing all kinds of computational geometry problems
FastSteinerTree Public
A simple fast algorithm for constructing a Steiner tree in Java
random_polygon Public
A command-line program for generating random simple polygon using Space Partitioning
BukaCracker Public
BukaCracker, a Java EE web app which read mangas free from Buka Manga
BigInteger Public
Big integer class with high precision implemented in C++
Polygon2Triangle Public
A MFC application which is used to triangulate the polygons using Constrained Delaunay Triangulation.
ImageProcessing Public
This is an image processing tool run on Windows.