provides high level abstractions for interfacing to GPIOs, I2C
buses and SPI peripherals on Linux platforms. Internally, it uses the Linux
sysclass interface so that it does not require platform-dependent code.
works great with LEDs, buttons, many kinds of sensors, and simple
control of motors. In general, if a device requires high speed transactions or
has hard real-time constraints in its interactions, this is not the right
library. For those devices, it is recommended to look at other driver options, such
as using a Linux kernel driver.
If this sounds similar to Erlang/ALE, that's because it is. This library is a Elixir-ized implementation of the original project with some updates to the C side. (Many of those changes have made it back to the original project now.)
If you're natively compiling elixir_ale, everything should work like any other
Elixir library. Normally, you would include elixir_ale as a dependency in your
like this:
def deps do
[{:elixir_ale, "~> 0.6.0"}]
If you just want to try it out, you can do the following:
git clone https://github.com/fhunleth/elixir_ale.git
cd elixir_ale
mix compile
iex -S mix
If you're cross-compiling, you'll need to setup your environment so that the
right C compiler is called. See the Makefile
for the variables that will need
to be overridden. At a minimum, you will need to set CROSSCOMPILE
doesn't load device drivers, so you'll need to make sure that any
necessary ones for accessing I2C or SPI are loaded beforehand. On the Raspberry
Pi, the Adafruit Raspberry Pi I2C
may be helpful.
If you're trying to compile on a Raspberry Pi and you get errors indicated that Erlang headers are missing
), you may need to install erlang with apt-get install erlang-dev
or build Erlang from source per instructions here.
only supports simple uses of the GPIO, I2C, and SPI interfaces in
Linux, but you can still do quite a bit. The following examples were tested on a
Raspberry Pi that was connected to an Erlang Embedded Demo
Board. There's nothing special about
either the demo board or the Raspberry Pi, so these should work similarly on
other embedded Linux platforms.
A GPIO is just a wire that you can use as an input or an output. It can only be one of two values, 0 or 1. A 1 corresponds to a logic high voltage like 3.3 V and a 0 corresponds to 0 V. The actual voltage depends on the hardware.
Here's an example of turning an LED on or off:
To turn on the LED that's connected to the net (or wire) labeled
, run the following:
iex> alias ElixirALE.GPIO
iex> {:ok, pid} = GPIO.start_link(18, :output)
{:ok, #PID<0.96.0>}
iex> GPIO.write(pid, 1)
Input works similarly. Here's an example of a button with a pull down resistor connected.
If you're not familiar with pull up or pull down resistors, they're resistors whose purpose is to drive a wire high or low when the button isn't pressed. In this case, it drives the wire low. Many processors have ways of configuring internal resistors to accomplish the same effect without needing to add an external resistor. It's platform-dependent and not shown here.
The code looks like this in elixir_ale
iex> {:ok, pid} = GPIO.start_link(17, :input)
{:ok, #PID<0.97.0>}
iex> GPIO.read(pid)
# Push the button down
iex> GPIO.read(pid)
If you'd like to get a message when the button is pressed or released, call the
function. You can trigger on the :rising
edge, :falling
edge or
iex> GPIO.set_int(pid, :both)
iex> flush
{:gpio_interrupt, 17, :rising}
{:gpio_interrupt, 17, :falling}
Note that after calling set_int
, the calling process will receive an initial message with the state of the pin.
This prevents the race condition between getting the initial state of the pin and turning on interrupts. Without it, you could get the state of the pin, it could change states, and then you could start waiting on it for interrupts. If that happened, you would be out of sync.
A SPI bus is a common multi-wire bus used to connect components on a circuit
board. A clock line drives the timing of sending bits between components. Bits
on the MOSI
line go from the master (usually the processor running Linux) to
the slave, and bits on the MISO
line go the other direction. Bits transfer
both directions simultaneously. However, much of the time, the protocol used
across the SPI bus has a request followed by a response and in these cases, bits
going the "wrong" direction are ignored.
The following shows an example ADC that reads from either a temperature sensor on CH0 or a potentiometer on CH1.
The protocol for talking to the ADC is described in the MCP3002 data sheet. See Figure 6-1 in the data sheet for the communication protocol. Sending a 0x60 first reads the temperature and sending a 0x70 reads the potentiometer. Since the data sheet shows bits, 0x60 corresponds to 01100000b. The leftmost bit is the "Start" bit. The second bit is SGL/DIFF and the third bit is ODD/SIGN. From table 5-1, if SGL/DIFF==1 and ODD/SIGN==0, then that specifies channel 0 which is connected to the thermometer.
# Make sure that you've enabled or loaded the SPI driver or this will
# fail.
iex> alias ElixirALE.SPI
iex> {:ok, pid} = SPI.start_link("spidev0.0")
{:ok, #PID<0.124.0>}
# Read the potentiometer
# Use binary pattern matching to pull out the ADC counts (low 10 bits)
iex> <<_::size(6), counts::size(10)>> = SPI.transfer(pid, <<0x70, 0x00>>)
<<1, 197>>
iex> counts
# Convert counts to volts (1023 = 3.3 V)
iex> volts = counts / 1023 * 3.3
An I2C bus is similar to a SPI bus in function, but uses fewer wires. It supports addressing hardware components and bidirectional use of the data line.
The following shows a bus IO expander connected via I2C to the processor.
The protocol for talking to the IO expander is described in the MCP23008 Datasheet. Here's a simple example of using it.
# On the Raspberry Pi, the IO expander is connected to I2C bus 1 (i2c-1).
# Its 7-bit address is 0x20. (see datasheet)
iex> alias ElixirALE.I2C
iex> {:ok, pid} = I2C.start_link("i2c-1", 0x20)
{:ok, #PID<0.102.0>}
# By default, all 8 GPIOs are set to inputs. Set the 4 high bits to outputs
# so that we can toggle the LEDs. (Write 0x0f to register 0x00)
iex> I2C.write(pid, <<0x00, 0x0f>>
# Turn on the LED attached to bit 4 on the expander. (Write 0x10 to register
# 0x09)
iex> I2C.write(pid, <<0x09, 0x10>>)
# Read all 11 of the expander's registers to see that the bit 0 switch is
# the only one on and that the bit 4 LED is on.
iex> I2C.write(pid, <<0>>) # Set the next register to be read to 0
iex> I2C.read(pid, 11)
<<15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 16>>
# The operation of writing one or more bytes to select a register and
# then reading is very common, so a shortcut is to just run the following:
iex> I2C.write_read(pid, <<0>>, 11)
<<15, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 17, 16>>
# The 17 in register 9 says that bits 0 and bit 4 are high
# We could have just read register 9.
iex> I2C.write_read(pid, <<9>>, 1)
Most issues people have are on how to communicate with hardware for the first
time. Since elixir_ale
is a thin wrapper on the Linux sys class interface, you
may find help by searching for similar issues when using Python or C.
For help specifically with elixir_ale
, you may also find help on the
nerves channel on the elixir-lang Slack.
Many Nerves users also use elixir_ale
While elixir_ale
should never crash, it's hard to guarantee that weird
conditions on the I2C or SPI buses wouldn't hang the Erlang VM. elixir_ale
errors on the side of safety of the VM.
Please don't do that - there are so many better ways of accomplishing whatever you're trying to do:
- If you're trying to drive a servo or dim an LED, look into PWM. Many platforms have PWM hardware and you won't tax your CPU at all. If your platform is missing a PWM, several chips are available that take I2C commands to drive a PWM output.
- If you need to implement a wire level protocol to talk to a device, look for a Linux kernel driver. It may just be a matter of loading the right kernel module.
- If you want a blinking LED to indicate status,
really should be fast enough to do that, but check out Linux's LED class interface. Linux can flash LEDs, trigger off events and more. See nerves_leds.
If you're still intent on optimizing GPIO access, you may be interested in gpio_twiddler.
On the hardware that I normally use, PWM has been implemented in a
platform-dependent way. For ease of maintenance, elixir_ale
doesn't have any
platform-dependent code, so supporting it would be difficult. An Elixir PWM
library would be very interesting, though, should anyone want to implement it.
You'll need to fake out the hardware. Code to do this depends on what your hardware actually does, but here's one example:
Please share other examples if you have them.
The most common issue is getting connected to a part the first time. If you're
having trouble, check that the device files exist in the /dev
directory for I2C
and SPI. GPIOs usually come up easier, but their corresponding files are in
. On ARM-based boards, it is common to need to specify a
device tree file to the Linux kernel that specifies whether pins are I2C, SPI, or
GPIOs. Some boards also support device tree overlays that can be installed at
run time to change the usage of pins (the BeagleBone Black is a good example of
this. See the Universal I/O
project. If
debugging I2C, see I2C.detect_devices/1
for scanning the whole bus for
anything in case the device you're using is at a different address than
No. Elixir ALE only runs on Linux-based boards. If you're interested in controlling an Arduino from a computer that can run Elixir, check out nerves_uart for communicating via the Arduino's serial connection or firmata for communication using the Arduino's Firmata protocol.
Yes! If your life has been improved by elixir_ale
and you want to give back,
it would be great to have new energy put into this project. Please email me.
This library draws much of its design and code from the Erlang/ALE project which is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. As such, it is licensed similarly.