Various examples for the STM32L-DISCOVERY board.
Note: This is our playground for learning the stm32 microcontrollers. Some of these examples are messy.
example 1 - hello world (without Standard Peripheral Driver)
example 2 - hello world (with Standard Peripheral Driver)
example 3 - uart example
example 4 - spi example (work in progress)
example 5 - onboard lcd example
example 6 - systick example
example 7 - timer2 example
example 8 - nokia 3310/5510 lcd example
example 9 - clock output (MCO) example
example 10 - rtc calendar example
example 11 - timer2 interrupt example
example 12 - PWM output / fade an led using TIM2
example 13 - ADC 'analogRead' example /
example 14 - Read ADC and fade an led using PWM
example 15 - servo control example using TIM2