Visual subnet calculator as seen at
cd <project folder>
docker build . -t subnets
docker run -d -p 5001:80 --name subnets subnets
This guide assumes a kubernetes cluster exits and you have a kubecfg that allows
management via kubectl
commands. Ingress also assumes that you are using the
NGINX Ingress Controller.
Before deploying, consider creating and switching to a new namespace for this project. For example with kubectl
kubectl create namespace kwlug
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=kwlug
Deploy in one easy step!
helm install --generate-name subnet-chart --set
You can cleanup your deployment(s) with the helm uninstall
helm uninstall subnet-chart-1651426690
helm list --output json | \
jq '.[].name' --raw-output | \
grep subnet-chart | \
xargs helm uninstall