Custom screen layouts for Ethos
Download the .zip from the latest Release corresponding to one of the names listed below.
Use Ethos Suite Lua Dev Tools to install or Unzip and install manually.
Layout: 3/4-2-2
Fit for: X18, X20
Why: Custom Layout for Rotorflight as per my preferences, with special considerations for compatibility with BattSelector
Alternate 4-2-2 Layout:
There is also sufficient room to add a small fourth box in the left column to add another small Value widget:
Due to the lower resolution of the X18 screen, the BattSelector widget will not fit with an additional box next to it, so only the standard 3-2-2 is available:
Note the widgets themselves are not included/preconfigured, this Lua only creates the layout! Widgets shown above are all Value widgets, plus my own BattSelector and Rob Thomson's RFSUITE->Rotorflight Governor widget.