Simplex is hackable MVC php framework build in minimal specification of Model - View - Controller. So you need build your own library to grow bigger app.
Simplex uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- [Bower] - Easy way to mannage your assets such as js, css etc.
- [Composer] - Easy way to manage your php libraries.
And of course Simplex itself is open source with a [public repository] on GitHub.
Just run it on your favorite php-mysql server (XAMPP, WAMP etc). The configure following file:
--- Simplex\application\config\main.ini.php
home = 'replace with your own domain';
default_controller = 'replace with your desired default controller';
--- Simplex\application\config\database.ini.php
dbhost = "your own database host here";
dbname = "your own database name here";
dbusername = "your own database username here";
dbpassword = "your own database password here";
Want to contribute? Great!
Email me at:
or, you can contact me on facebook:
Hafitto Hafidz
- Design better router.
- Change deprecated security library (
- PPDB: A simple student registration system on MAN 2 Ponorogo.
Free Software, Hell Yeah!
[Hafitto Hafidz]