程序员在家做饭方法指南。Programmer's guide about how to cook at home (Simplified Chinese only).
《Real-Time Rendering 4th》 (RTR4) 中文翻译
Run compilers interactively from your web browser and interact with the assembly
RenderDoc is a stand-alone graphics debugging tool.
Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
MapLibre Native - Interactive vector tile maps for iOS, Android and other platforms.
Unity Tool showing a timeline of assembly compilation. This is especially helpful when trying to optimize compile times and dependencies between assemblies. Besides showing a graphical view of comp…
DMeville / DarkAndStormy
Forked from SquirrelyJones/DarkAndStormyOvercast clouds with crazy colors skybox shader for Unity3d
Example of how to get a smooth fog effect in Unity 3D
2d medial axis transform using tracing paths [Joan-Arinyo et al.]
Search spine (skeleton single line) of the polygon / Поиск хребта (линии скелета) полигона через алгоритм straight skeleton
A typescript interactive engine, support 2D, 3D, animation, physics, built on WebGL and glTF.
刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
Must-read and classic books of computational geometry and computer graphics
Skylicht Engine is C++ Game Engine based on Irrlicht 3D. And my goal is to create a high-performance and lightweight Game Framework that can seamlessly function on both web and mobile platforms. Th…
SPARK Particle Engine, a portable lightweight C++ library for particle effects
Convert a polygon stored as a doubly-connected edge list into y-monotone polygons and then triangulate it.
An application developed in C++, used for partitioning a concave polygon into multiple convex pieces for efficient use of various Geometric algorithms. It is based on the Monotone Partitioning algo…
Code repository of all OpenGL chapters from the book and its accompanying website
I challenged myself to see if I could create a voxel game (Minecraft-like) in just one week using C++ and OpenGL, and here is the result