Modeling Probability of Default, Loss Given Default, and Exposure at Default
- PD: Binomial Logistic Regression
- LGD: Beta Regression
- EAD: Beta Regression
- Borrower Specific
- Economic Environment
- PD = Probability of Default
- LGD = Loss Given Default (Min Loss)
- EAD = Exposure at Default (Max Loss)
- Borrower wants to buy house for $500,000
- Lender funds 80% (LTV)
- Loan Amount = $500,000 x .8 = $400,000
- Borrower paid $40,000 so far (outstanding balance = $360,000)
- If borrower defaults EAD will be $360,000
- Assuming imperical evidence that 1 in 4 homeowners default (PD = 1/4 or 25%)
- If borrwer defaults and bank can sell the house for $342,000 immediately then EAD will equal $360,000 - $342,000 = $18,000
- LGD = $18,000 / $360,000 = 5%
- EL = 25% (PD) x 5% (LGD) x $360,000 (EAD) = $4,500
- Minimum capital Requirements:
- Credit Risk
- Standardized Approach (SA)
- Internal Ratings Based (IRB) Approaches
- Foundation Internal Ratings Based (F-IRB) Approach
- Advanced Internal Ratings Based (A-IRB) Approach
- Operational Risk
- Market Risk
- Credit Risk
- SA (PD: External, LGD: External, EAD: External)
- lending to countries:
- Risk Weights
- AAA to AA-: 0%
- A+ to A-: 20%
- BBB+ to BBB-: 50%
- BB+ to B-: 100%
- Below BB-: 150%
- Unrated: 100%
- Risk Weights
- lending to firms:
- Risk Weights
- AAA to AA-: 20%
- A+ to A-: 50%
- BBB+ to BB-: 100%
- Below BB-: 150%
- Unrated: 100%
- Risk Weights
- Retail Risk Weight: %75
- Retail Risk Weight: %35
- lending to countries:
- F-IRB (PD: Internal, LGD: External, EAD: External)
- F-IRB (PD: Internal, LGD: Internal, EAD: Internal)