Test your whitehat skills in our range of challenges inspired from Rareskills educational content
Discount Fees & Timelocked Withdrawals – ERC4626 Vault Vulnerability Analysis
ERC721 Callback Solution, Samczsun's Dangers of Suprising Code
Uniswap V2 Book Chapter 1: ERC4626 - Vulnerable Vault
ERC721 Callback - MysteryMasks Challenge
git clone https://github.com/BlockChomper/ctf-challenges.git
Ensure you have Foundry installed with foundryup
and then build the repo after cloning from Github
forge build
- Select challenge from sub folder within SRC.
- View associated readme.md for scenario details.
- Analyse vulnerable contract.
- Write exploit code within matching test file for vulnerable contract.
Run exploit test to confirm successful completion of challenge
forge test --match-test testExploit