Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework created and maintained by the National Security Agency Research Directorate. This framework includes a suite of full-featured, high-end software analysis tools that enable users to analyze compiled code on a variety of platforms including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Capabilities include disassembly, assembly, decompilation, graphing, and scripting, along with hundreds of other features. Ghidra supports a wide variety of processor instruction sets and executable formats and can be run in both user-interactive and automated modes. Users may also develop their own Ghidra plug-in components and/or scripts using Java or Python.
ghidra_script by Allsafe - Ghidra scripts for malware analysis
headless_scripts - Headless Scripts for Ghidra's Headless Analyzer written in Python
LazyGhidra - Make your Ghidra Lazy!
FindCrypt-Ghidra - IDA Pro's FindCrypt ported to Ghidra, with an updated and customizable signature database
ret-sync - ret-sync is a set of plugins that helps to synchronize a debugging session (WinDbg/GDB/LLDB/OllyDbg2/x64dbg) with IDA/Ghidra disassemblers.
ghidra_scripts by ghidraninja - Scripts for the Ghidra software reverse engineering suite.
gotools - Plugin for Ghidra to assist reversing Golang binaries
ghidra_bridge - Python 3 bridge to Ghidra's Python scripting
GhidraPAL - Ghidra Program Analysis Library
pcode-emulator - A PCode Emulator for Ghidra.
ghidra-data - Supporting Data Archives for Ghidra
Daenerys - A framework for interoperability between IDA and Ghidra
OOAnalyzer Plugin for Ghidra - OOAnalyzer is a tool for the analysis and recovery of object oriented constructs.
Ghidra Patch Diff Correlator Project - This project tries to provide additional Ghidra Version Tracking Correlators suitable for patch diffing.
ghidra-fidb-repo - Ghidra Function ID dataset repository
ghidra_scripts by 0x6d696368 - Ghidra scripts such as a RC4 decrypter, Yara search, stack string decoder, etc.
ghidra-jython-kernel - Jupyter Kernel for Ghidra's Jython
pwndra - A collection of pwn/CTF related utilities for Ghidra
VTgrepGHIDRA - vtgrep plugin for Ghidra
Color the Executed Instructions - Color the Executed Instructions
ReplaceFuncNameFromLog - ReplaceFuncNameFromLog
リバースエンジニアリングツールGhidra実践ガイド -セキュリティコンテスト入門からマルウェア解析まで- (Compass Booksシリーズ) - The Practical guide book to Ghidra written in Japanese
ghidra/GhidraDocs/GhidraClass/ - Official material by National Security Agency
Ghidra - Journey from Classified NSA Tool to Open Source - Black Hat USA 2019 Briefing by National Security Agency
INFILTRATE2019 - INFILTRATE 2019 Demo Materials
Extending Ghidra - Mike Bell: Extending Ghidra: from Script to Plugins and Beyond
An Introduction To Code Analysis With Ghidra - This article describes an approach for using Ghidra to perform malicious code analysis
Saintcon2019GhidraTalk - Talk about PCode emulator at Saintcon 2019 by @kc0bfv
Youtube playlist by 0x6d696368 - Youtube playlist with short Ghidra tips and tricks
Ghidra Code Analysis with Anuj Soni - Ghidra lecuture by SANS Digital Forensics and Incident Response channel
r2ghidra-dec - Deep ghidra decompiler integration for radare2
Ghidraaas - simple web server that exposes Ghidra analysis through REST APIs
Ghidra Server - provides a collaboration server on the internet for the software reverse engineering (SRE) global community using the open source software (OSS) project Ghidra's server feature.