Animated Characters: create video from plain text or audio file in minutes, support up to 100+ languages and 350+ voice models.
Create your custom Animated Characters for free.
虚拟主播制作中文版{your token} &model_id={ your custom AI avatar id} &template_id={your custom AI avatar template/style id } &speaker_id={ the accent model id} &speaker_style={assistant,chat,customerservice,newscast,affectionate,angry,calm,cheerful,disgruntled,fearful,gentle,lyrical,sad,serious,poetry-reading } &speaker_speed={ slow or fast level: -10 to 10} &speaker_volume={ low or high level: -10 to 10} &speaker_tone={ pitch of the tone: -10 to 10 } &text={ video script, plain text or with some tags} &pos={the avatar position/scale on the background image or video} &bgurl={ background image or video url} &callback={callback this url at the end of video synthesis, video is ready for download}{your token} &model_id={ your custom AI avatar id} &template_id={your custom AI avatar template/style id } &audio={audio url} &pos={the avatar position/scale on the background image or video} &bgurl={ background image or video url} &callback={callback this url at the end of video synthesis, video is ready for download}
https://yourcallbackurl?downloadurl={the download url for generated video }