Welcome to our Game Library!!
Here you will find a list of games, genres and the platforms they are available on.
To execute our code you need to create a local copy (clone) install python dependancies - pipenv install enter python shell - pipenv shell
The root of this python app is cli.py
Once in the shell, run command $python lib/cli.py The menu will appear prompting you with a Command Line Interface input of your choice!
1 - Here you can add a new game to the list - make sure to know genre and platform - you can create new instances of either but each game created must have -title, genre AND platform -Platfrom input is written as: Xbox, Nintendo, Playstation, PC -Remove what ever platform your game is not available on, ex: Halo Infinite Shooter Xbox, Pc
2 - Delete a game -input the title of the game (non case sensitive) you would like to erase from the data base
3 - View all games -this displays all the games in the library
4 - Search Title -input the title you would like to inspect (non case sensitive)
5 - Exit -sorry to see you go. -Hope you enjoyed!