PushPal is a lightweight CLI tool and Go package that scans for uncommitted and unpushed changes in a local Git repository. It also helps streamline your Git workflow by offering to automatically add frequently ignorable paths (like .idea/ and .vscode/) to your .gitignore file.
- Detect uncommitted changes in the active directory
- Identify unpushed commits in the current directory
- Suggest adding often ignored paths to .gitignore if they contain changes
Downloading the Binary:
Download the suitable binary for your operating system.
Linux/macOS: Place the binary in /usr/local/bin or another directory present in your PATH.
mv pushpal_linux_amd64 /usr/local/bin/pushpal
Add the directory containing the .exe file to the system environment PATH or move the .exe to a directory where you want to execute the pushpal command.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/bostigger/pushpal.git
Navigate to the cloned directory:
cd pushpal
go build
This will generate the pushpal binary which you can then move to your desired location.
After installation, navigate to your target Git repository and execute:
PushPal will analyze the directory for any uncommitted or unpushed changes. Should it find uncommitted changes in frequently ignored directories, it'll offer to add them to your .gitignore. Dependencies
PushPal utilizes the git package to identify uncommitted and unpushed changes. Make sure this package is in your Go workspace. Contributing
We value your contributions! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on our GitHub repository. License
Copyright © Peter Blay
is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.