Android Simple Location Tracker is an Android library that helps you get user location with a object named LocationTracker
Add this to your build.gradle
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.quentin7b:android-location-tracker:3.0'
Dont forget to add the following permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
Be aware of Android Marshmallow
's new permission system
android:label="A label for your permission"
android:description="A description for the permission" />
As its name says, it's a simple library. To create a tracker you just need to add the below code in your Android Activity/Service
// You can pass an ui Context but it is not mandatory getApplicationContext() would also works
new LocationTracker(context) {
public void onLocationFound(Location location) {
// Do some stuff
And it's done, as soon as a location has been found, it will call the onLocationFound()
method and you can do the job.
You can call a LocationTracker
with custom parameters.
To do this, use the following constructor
LocationTracker(Context context, TrackerSettings settings)
As an example:
new LocationTracker(
new TrackerSettings()
) {
public void onLocationFound(Location location) {
// Do some stuff when a new GPS Location has been found
This, will call a location tracker that is looking ONLY for GPS updates. Network and Passive updates will not be catched by the Tracker.
allows you to define some custom metrics like
- The minimum time interval between location updates, in milliseconds
- The minimum distance between location updates, in meters
To specify those parameters, LocationTracker
you can set more settings.
Here is an example of call:
TrackerSettings settings =
new TrackerSettings()
.setTimeBetweenUpdates(30 * 60 * 1000)
new LocationTracker(context, settings) {
public void onLocationFound(Location location) {
// Do some stuff when a new location has been found.
In this case, when a location is found, the tracker will not call onLocationFound()
again during 30 minutes.
Moreover, if the distance between the new location and the older one is less than 100m, onLocationFound()
will not be called.
Be aware that the time parameter's priority is higher than the distance parameter. So even if the user has moved from 2km, the tracker
will call onLocationFound()
only after 30 minutes.
By default, after a LocationTracker
is created, it automatically starts listening to updates... and never stops.
has two methods to start and stop listening for updates.
If you want to stop listening for updates, just call the stopListen()
For example, if you need a one shot position, you can do that:
new LocationTracker(context) {
public void onLocationFound(Location location) {
// Stop listening for updates
// Do some stuff when a new GPS Location has been found
You can also do it in the onPause()
Activity method if you want.
protected void onPause() {
if(myTracker != null) {
REMEMBER! A LocationTracker
never stops untill you tell it to do so.
You may want to start listening for updates after all. To do that, LocationTracker
has a public method named startListen()
, call it when you want.
For example, in the onResume()
Activity method:
protected void onResume() {
if(myTracker != null) {
implements Android's LocationListener interface.
By default, it does nothing but logging.
Excepts the onLocationChanged()
method, you can override all the LocationListener's metods, so here is the list:
- onProviderDisabled(String provider)
- onProviderEnabled(String provider)
- onStatusChanged(String provider, int status, Bundle extras)
If you have any questions, fell free to send me a mail. You can also fork this project, or open an issue :)