This project can be used to plot chia in AWS using Fargate. This method is not advised.
- an AWS account
- the AWS CLI tool
- docker
- node and npm
- aws cdk
- git clone the repo
- cd into the project folder
- edit the cdk.json file and enter your own farm and pool public keys. Set parallelFactor to the number of tasks you want to run in fargate at the same time.
aws configure
(enter your aws iam user keys and region)npm install
cdk bootstrap aws://<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>/<AWS_REGION>
(example: aws://123456789876/us-east-1)cdk deploy
open the file lib/cloud-plot-stack.ts find the FargateTaskDefinition and edit cpu and memoryLimitMiB
open file modules/plotter/
find the line that includes chia plots create...
cdk destroy
- note that cdk bootstrap leaves some resources deployed. You can remove these by deleting the CloudFormation Stack named CDKToolkit.
- note that the S3 bucket will be destroyed including any plots stored there.