- Primary Hex: #22959D
- Secondary (Darkest Blue): #147b86
- Tertiary (Lighest Blue): #74C2E1
Quick Start:
- Fork the repo
- npm install && bower install
- gulp build
- gulp serve
It will most likely start on localhost:3000, BrowserSync should (hopefully) open the app.
- Michael Aaron
- Dawson Botsford
- Peyman Mortazavi
- Brian Newsom
OneLiner - A competitive programming app based on filling out a function's return statement from scratch to solve questions.
- Express
- React
- Websockets
- Node.js (backend)
- Learn and apply websockets using Socket.io
- Gain a more solid understanding of React
- Learn how to create a clean UI
- Learn about what sorts of coding challenges are possible, enjoyable, and educational
Each person's responsibilities are explained in more detail in the milestones. However in general:
- Michael - Client work, routing, UI basics and bug fixes.
- Dawson - Make it cut-throatingly competitive, UI, colorscheming, and logo creation.
- Peyman -
- Brian - Back end work, server setup and maintenance, UI design help and polishing.
#Milestones these live in "milestones"
Why would I ever do this?
- Coder quick decision making (dinner/beer/etc.)
- Code competition practices
- For fun / Bragging Rights
How do you determine the problems?
- Javascript for now - it's easy
- Trial and Error (are some of the problems impossible?)
- Finding golf challenges around the web
UI - does it suck?
- No
- Possibly show an end goal/render, and have the user try to implement the result.
- Console? Possibly
How many questions are there?
- Approximately 40 - hopefully more to come.
How are the questions tested?
- Unit testing based on >5 test cases.
When does the challenge end?
- Whoever completes the challenge successfully first.
How are the people connected?
- Websockets!
- Socket.io
What question types will we have?
- Basic Arithmetic (ex. Return var1 added with var2)
- Conditionals (ex. Return true if var1 is positive, false otherwise)
- Ternary (ex. Return the larger between var1 and var2)
- Builtin JS Magic (ex. Returned the reversed input array)
- Array things (ex. Return the first element of the array)