yarn add braincloud
# or
npm install braincloud
NOTE: peer dependency of @react-native-community/async-storage is only needed when used within a React-Native application, see below.
var bc = require("braincloud")
function authenticated(response) {
console.log("Did get Authenticated to profileId:" + response.data.profileId);
var shareable = true;
var replaceIfExists = true;
_bc = new bc.BrainCloudWrapper("_mainWrapper");
secret = "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-0000-cccc-111111111111";
appId = "00000";
console.log("Initializing brainCloud");
_bc.initialize(appId, secret, "1.0.0");
console.log("Authenticating anonymously to brainCloud");
React-Native Usage
import { BrainCloudWrapper } from 'braincloud';
_bc = new bc.BrainCloudWrapper("_myApp");
secret = "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-0000-cccc-111111111111";
appId = "00000";
console.log("Initializing brainCloud");
_bc.initialize(appId, secret, "1.0.0");
console.log("Authenticating anonymously to brainCloud");
_bc.authenticateAnonymous(function (response) {
if (response.status === 200) {
console.log("Did get Authenticated to profileId:" + response.data.profileId);
See https://github.com/react-native-community/react-native-async-storage for additional information on AsyncStorage.
The file upload works slightly different in this implementation if not used in the web. Instead of using XMLHttpRequest you need to use XMLHttpRequest4Upload. Also the file object passed into uploadFile call needs to be a Read Stream from the nodes fs module.
var fs = require("fs")
_bc.brainCloudClient.file.prepareFileUpload("test2", fileName, shareable, replaceIfExists, fileSize, function (result) {
if (result.status == 200) {
var uploadId = result.data.fileDetails.uploadId;
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest4Upload();
file2 = fs.createReadStream("./someFile.ext");
file2.size = fileSize;
xhr.addEventListener("load", transferComplete);
xhr.addEventListener("error", transferFailed);
console.log("Uploading file with id:" + uploadId + " (size : " + fileSize + " )");
_bc.brainCloudClient.file.uploadFile(xhr, file2, uploadId);
} else {
console.log("Error preparing for upload, " + result.reason_code );
Only load
and error
listeners are triggered in this implementations.
File upload is not yet supported in React-Native.
Sessions are not maintained across executions of scripts. i.e. Each script must initialy login.