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Tags: BtbN/AviSynthPlus



Toggle v3.7.3's commit message
- Add "bold"=true (linux/NO_WIN_GDI: false), "italic"=false, "noaa"=f…

…alse parameters to

  "ShowFrameNumber", "ShowCRC32", "ShowSMPTE", "ShowTime" filters.
  As noted below, "italic" and "noaa" parameters are ineffective in NO_WIN_GDI builds (e.g. Linux)
- Add "noaa" parameter to SubTitle and Info. Setting it true will disable antialiasing.
  Useful when someone would use "VCR OSD Mono" as-is, without beautifying the outlines,
  as it as mentioned in
- Address AviSynth#358, plus "noaa"
  - add "bold", "italic" and "noaa" boolean parameters to "SubTitle" and "Info"
  - add "italic" and "noaa" boolean parameter to "Text" ("bold" already existed)
    "italic" and "noaa" is provided only to match the parameter list with SubTitle.

  SubTitle: to mimic former working method, defaults are "bold"=true, "italic"=false, "noaa"=false
  Text: "bold"=false (as before); "italic" is not handled at all, either true or false, it does not affect output.
        "italic" and "noaa" parameters exist only because on non-Windows systems "Subtitle" is aliased to "Text"
        (Each Subtitle parameter must exist in "Text" as well)
- Fix AviSynth#360: plane fill wrongly assumed that pitch is rowsize, which is not the case after a Crop
  It would result in crash e.g. in HistogramRGBParade
- Enhancement: much quicker YV24 to RGB32/RGB24 conversion when AVX2 instruction set is supported. (+50% fps at i7-11700)
- UserDefined2Resize got an 's' parameter (to the existing b and c): support, default value = 2.3
  (following DTL2020's addition in jpsdr's MT resizer repo, UserDefined2ResizeMT filter)

  Now, as we have already three variable parameters to the optional chroma resamplers in ConvertToXX
  converters, ConvertToXX family got a new float 'param3' parameter which is passed to UV resizer as
  's', if "userdefined2" is specified as chroma resampler.
  If param3 is not used in a resizer but is defined, then it is simply ignored.
  Such as "ConvertToYV24" parameter signature: c[interlaced]b[matrix]s[ChromaInPlacement]s[chromaresample]s[param1]f[param2]f[param3]f
  e.g.: ConvertToYV24(chromaresample="userdefined2", param1=126, param2=22, param3=2.25)

  see also description at **test6**, which was updated with this parameter as well.

  s (support) param - controls the 'support' of filter to use by resampler engine. Float value in valid range from
  1.5 to 15. Default 2.3. It allows to fine tune resampling result between partially non-linear but more sharper and less
  residual ringing (at low b and c values) and more linear processing with wider 'peaking' used. Setting too high
  in common use cases (about > 5) may visibly degrade resampler performance (fps) without any visible output changes.
  Recommended adjustment range - between 2 and 3.

  b=126 c=22 - medium soft, almost no ringing.
  b=102 c=2 - sharper, small local peaking.
  b=70 c=-30 s=2 - sharper, thinner 'peaking'.
  b=70 c=-30 s=2.5 - a bit softer, more thick 'peaking'.
  b=82 c=20 - sharp but lots of far ringing. Not for using.

- Fix AviSynth#350 ConvertXXX to accept YV411 clip's frame property _ChromaLocation set to 'left'
  (and 'topleft' and 'bottomleft' which give the same result) instead of giving an error message.
- Fix AviSynth#348 bitrol/bitror functions return incorrect results when first argument is negative.
  Regression since the asm code of Avisynth 2.6 classic was ported to C in Avisynth+ project.
- "Info": if channel mask exists, then
  - its friendly name
  - otherwise the number of channels and the channel combinations
  is displayed under "AudioLength: x".

  SetChannelMask("stereo") --> "Channel mask: stereo"
  SetChannelMask("stereo+LFE") --> "Channel mask: 2.1"  because the combination resulted in another known channel combo name
  SetChannelMask("mono+LFE") --> "Channel mask: 2 channels (FC+LFE)" because the combination is unknown

- Add SetChannel parameter: channel string syntax: (similar to ffmpeg)
  a channel number followed by "c" for getting the default layout for a given number of channels.
  E.g. SetChannelMask("3c") will set "2.1" because this is the default choice for 3 channels
- Add SetChannel parameter: channel string syntax:
  a simple number is treated as the actual numeric mask.
  E.g. SetChannelMask("3") will set "stereo" because 3=1+2 that is "FL+FR" that is "stereo"
- SetChannelMask string version: If string is other than "" then its set to known. It has a single string parameter.
  SetChannelMask("mono") -> mask is known: "mono"
  SetChannelMask("")  -> mask is unknown
- Add "speaker_all" to accepted layout mask strings

- Fix possible crash of LLVM builds (clang-cl, Intel nextgen) on pre-AVX (SSE4-only) CPUs.
  (Prevent static initialization from avx2 source modules, which cause running AVX instructions on DLL load)
- ConvertToMono, GetLeftChannel, GetRightChannel: sets channel layout AVS_SPEAKER_FRONT_CENTER (mono)
- GetChannel, GetChannels, MergeChannels will set default channel layout if channel count is 1 to 8
  For defaults see VfW section below
- New Script function: SetChannelMask: string version.

    SetChannelMask(clip, string ChannelDescriptor) (parameters compulsory, no names must be set) (test10)

  Accepts predefined channel string or channel layout names or their combination, in ffmpeg style.
  Numerical indexes or channel counts are not allowed.
  String is case sensitive!
  E.g. "stereo+LFE+TC" or "FL+LR" or "5.1(side)"
  Individual Speaker Channels:
    "FL",  front left
    "FR",  front right
    "FC",  front center
    "LFE", low frequency
    "BL",  back left
    "BR",  back right
    "FLC", front left-of-center
    "FRC", front right-of-center
    "BC",  back center
    "SL",  side left
    "SR",  side right
    "TC",  top center
    "TFL", top front left
    "TFC", top front center
    "TFR", top front right
    "TBL", top back left
    "TBC", top back center
    "TBR", top back right

- AudioDub will inherit channel layout setting from the audio clip.
- VfW output channel guess (when ChannelMask is not specified) changed at some points.
  Default number of channels to channel layout guess was modified to match of ffmpeg
    3 channels: Surround to 2.1
    4 channels: Quad to 4.0
    6 channels: 6.1(back) to 6.1
  This follows ffmpeg defaults
  Present rules:
    const   chnls  name    layout
    0x00004 1      mono    -- -- FC
    0x00003 2      stereo  FL FR
    0x0000B 3      2.1     FL FR    LFE
    0x00107 4      4.0     FL FR FC --  -- -- -- -- BC
    0x00037 5      5.0     FL FR FC --  BL BR
    0x0003F 6      5.1     FL FR FC LFE BL BR
    0x0070F 7      6.1     FL FR FC LFE -- -- -- -- BC SL SR
    0x0063F 8      7.1     FL FR FC LFE BL BR -- -- -- SL SR

- Add initial audio channel mask (channel layout) support (CPP and C interface, script function)
  It still belongs to V10 changes (there were only tests since then), but it can be discussed if not.
  Technically it is done by using another 18+2 bits in the Clip's VideoInfo.image_type field.
  Due to lack of enough bits in this VideoInfo field, the mapping between the original dwChannelMask
  and Avisynth's internal values are not 1:1, but all information is kept however.
  This is because not 32 but only 18 (strictly: 18+1) bits are defining speaker locations, so
  the remaining bits of our existing 'image_type' field can be used for this purpose.
  Thus 20 new bits are occupied.
  - 1 bit: marks if channel mask is valid or not
  - 18 bits for the actually defined WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE dwChannelMask definitions
  - 1 bit for the special SPEAKER_ALL value

  Programmers can check AvsChannelMask and AvsImageTypeFlags in avisynth.h and avisynth_c.h

  - new C++ interface functions
    - Check for existence:
        bool VideoInfo::IsChannelMaskKnown()
    - Setting:
        void VideoInfo::SetChannelMask(bool isChannelMaskKnown, unsigned int dwChannelMask)
      Re-maps and stores channel mask into image_type, sets the 'has channel mask' flag as well
      Note: this data can be set independently from the actual NumChannels number!
    - Retrieving:
        unsigned int VideoInfo::GetChannelMask()

   - new C interface functions
       bool avs_is_channel_mask_known(const AVS_VideoInfo * p);
       void avs_set_channel_mask(const AVS_VideoInfo * p, bool isChannelMaskKnown, unsigned int dwChannelMask);
       unsigned int avs_get_channel_mask(const AVS_VideoInfo * p);

       Like when establishing BFF, TFF and fieldbased flags from 'image_type', technically 'image_type' can
       be manipulated directly. See SetChannelMask and GetChannelMask in Avisynth source for
       image_type <-> dwChannelMask conversion.

       I guess once ffmpeg will support it, it will read (or not read) channel masks such a way.

   - new Script functions
       bool IsChannelMaskKnown(clip)
       int GetChannelMask(clip)
       SetChannelMask(clip, bool known, int dwChannelMask) (parameters compulsory, no names must be set)
       SetChannelMask(clip, string ChannelDescriptor) (parameters compulsory, no names must be set) (test10)
       dwChannelMask must contain the combination of up to 18 positions or 0x80000000 for SPEAKER_ALL.

   VfW export rules (included the existing sequence)
     1.) OPT_UseWaveExtensible global variable must be 'true'
         if VideoInfo::IsChannelMaskKnown is true, then fill WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE struct
     2.) *new*new*new*
         Is channel mask defined in Avisynth's VideoInfo? (VideoInfo::IsChannelMaskKnown() is true)
         Yes -> return VideoInfo::GetChannelMask()
     3.) No-> (Channel mask not defined in VideoInfo, guess it or set from variable)
     3.1)Guess channel layout:
         For 0 to 8 channels there is a predefined 'guess map':
           #of channels dwChannelMask
           0            0,
           1            0x00004, // 1   -- -- Cf
           2            0x00003, // 2   Lf Rf
           3            0x00007, // 3   Lf Rf Cf
           4            0x00033, // 4   Lf Rf -- -- Lr Rr
           5            0x00037, // 5   Lf Rf Cf -- Lr Rr
           6            0x0003F, // 5.1 Lf Rf Cf Sw Lr Rr
           7            0x0013F, // 6.1 Lf Rf Cf Sw Lr Rr -- -- Cr
           8            0x0063F, // 7.1 Lf Rf Cf Sw Lr Rr -- -- -- Ls Rs

         For 9-18 channels:
           sets first 9-18 bits in dwChannelMask
           SPEAKER_ALL (dword msb bit is 1)
      3.2) if OPT_dwChannelMask global variable is defined and is different from 0, then use it.

      E.g. VirtualDub2 is using VfW, so after opening the script, ended with SetChannelMask(true, $0063F),
      one can check the value File|File Info menu, under "compression" line (e.g.PCM, chmask 63f).
      SetChannels does not check against NumChannels, so you can set the 7.1 constant for a stereo
      if you wish. Microsoft's documentation mentions the cases of what an application can do with
      less or more than necessary defined speaker bits.

  - What to do about GetChannels, MixAudio, ConvertToMono? To be discussed.
    KillAudio will call SetChannelMask(false, 0), nevertheless.

- Set automatic MT mode MT_SERIALIZED to
  ConvertToMono, EnsureVBRMP3Sync, MergeChannels, GetChannel, Normalize, MixAudio, ResampleAudio
- Add back audio cache from classic Avisynth 2.6.
  Believe it or not, audio cache was never ported to Avisynth+
  - Make use of avisynth.h constants: CACHE_GETCHILD_AUDIO_MODE and CACHE_GETCHILD_AUDIO_SIZE:
    Filters are queryed about their desired audio cache mode through their SetCacheHints (similarly to CACHE_GET_MTMODE).
  - Filters can answer CACHE_GETCHILD_AUDIO_MODE with
    CACHE_AUDIO: Explicitly cache audio, X byte cache.
    CACHE_AUDIO_NOTHING: Explicitly do not cache audio.
    CACHE_AUDIO_AUTO_START_OFF: Audio cache off (auto mode), X byte initial cache.
    CACHE_AUDIO_AUTO_START_ON: Audio cache on (auto mode), X byte initial cache.
  - Default value is CACHE_AUDIO_AUTO_START_OFF.
  - Filters can specify the required cache size by returning CACHE_GETCHILD_AUDIO_SIZE.
    Default cache size is 256kB.
  - For custom audio cache querying example see EnsureVBRMP3Sync::SetCacheHints in source.
  How it works:
  - Modes CACHE_AUDIO_AUTO_START_OFF (default) and CACHE_AUDIO_AUTO_START_ON are automatic modes.
    The decision whether the stream benefits caching or not - and how big the cache
    size should be - is made upon continously gathering some statistics on the audio
    stream requests (an internal score is maintained).
    - when strict linear reading is detected. why bother with a cache,
      mode would finally changed to CACHE_AUDIO_AUTO_START_OFF.
    - When the requests are continously skipping chunks - a cache might not help;
      go with CACHE_AUDIO_AUTO_START_OFF as well.
    - When the next sample request is within the cache size, a cache could help:
      if audio cache was swithed off Avisynth would turn it into active caching by changing
      the working mode to CACHE_AUDIO_AUTO_START_ON.
  - Modes CACHE_AUDIO and CACHE_AUDIO_NOTHING are explicitely enable/disable audio cache at a give size.

- Fix Clang build AviSource crash on yuv422p10le UTVideo at specific widths (SSE2 or SSE4.1)
- AviSynth#340: stop memory leak on propSet / MakePropertyWritable;
  A bit less memory/processing overhead in internal FrameRegistry as a side effect.
- AviSynth#282: make 32-bit MSVC build to generate both decorated and undecorated export function names for C plugins
  C plugins built with mingw possibly expect decorated names.
- Expr: Add remaining stack element count to "Unbalanced stack..." error message.
- AviSynth#306: Add ConvertToYUVA420, ConvertToYUVA422 and ConvertToYUVA444.
  Resulting clip is always YUVA:
  Alpha plane is kept if exists (even from packed RGB formats like RGB32/64),
  otherwise filled with maximum transparency mask value.
  Parameters are the same like in ConvertToYUVYUVxxx versions.
- Update build documentation with 2023 Intel C++ tools. See Compiling Avisynth+
- CMakeLists.txt: add support for Intel C++ Compiler 2023.
- Enhanced performance in ConvertBits Floyd dither (dither=1) for 10->8, 16->8 and 16->10 bit cases
  by providing special function templates to allow compilers to optimize them much better.
  (Both Microsoft and Intel Classic 19.2 benefits, LLVM based clangCL and IntelLLVM compilers not)
- Fix crash when outputting VfW (e.g. VirtualDub) for YUV422P16, or P10 in Intel SSE2 optimization
  due to aligned SIMD write to an unaligned pointer - did not affect Microsoft builds.
  As seen in

- (AviSynth#337) Add more resizers types by jpsdr's and DTL's idea: backport from

  SinPowerResize "cii[src_left]f[src_top]f[src_width]f[src_height]f[p]f"
  parameters like GaussResize: optional "p"
  Default: p=2.5

  SincLin2Resize "cii[src_left]f[src_top]f[src_width]f[src_height]f[taps]i"
  parameters like SincFilter or LanczosFilter: optional "taps"
  Default taps=15

  UserDefined2Resize "cii[b]f[c]f[s]f[src_left]f[src_top]f[src_width]f[src_height]f"
  parameters like BicubicResize, plus an 's' - support: Optional "b", "c" and "s"
  Default b=121.0, c=19.0, s=2.3
  ("s" parameter is available from 3.7.3 test10)

  and their equivalent for the ConvertToXXXX family:
  "sinpow",  "sinclin2" and "userdefined2"

  - Add "param1", "param2" and "param3" (since test10) to ConvertToXXXX where "chromaresample" parameter exists.
  Now it is possible to use chromaresample with nondefault settings.

  param1 will set 'taps', 'b', or 'p', while param2 sets 'c' parameter for resizers where applicable.
  param3 (since test10) sets 's' parameter for userdefined2 (UserDefined2Resize)

  b,c: bicubic (1/3.0, 1/3.0)
  b,c,s: userdefined2 (121.0, 19.0, 2.3)
  taps: lanczos (3), blackman (4), sinc (4), sinclin2 (15)
  p: gauss (30.0), sinpow (2.5)
  'param1', 'param2' and "param3" are always float. For 'taps' 'param1' is truncated to integer internally.
  When a resizer does not use one or more parameters they are simply ignored.

- Add avs_video_frame_get_pixel_type and avs_video_frame_amend_pixel_type to C interface as well
- Fix (AviSynth#327) Histogram "color2" markers. Fix right shifted 15 degree dots, fix square for bits>8
- Feature (AviSynth#317): (V10 interface) The color format of a VideoFrame can now be retrieved with its GetPixelType()
  function. Before, there was no reliable way of knowing it on a frame from propGetFrame().
  The internally stored pixel_type in VideoFrame is properly converted upon a Subframe (Y8-32), SubframePlanar (strip alpha).
- Feature (AviSynth#317): (V10 interface) added ``VideoFrame::AmendPixelType`` and ``avs_video_frame_amend_pixel_type``.
  Introduced in order to keep VideoInfo and VideoFrame pixel_type synchronized for special cases:
  when filter constructor would just change ``VideoInfo::pixel_type``, but the frame would be passed w/o any change, like in ``ConvertFromDoubleWidth`` or ``CombinePlanes``.
- Feature (AviSynth#314): Added AVSValue::GetType()
  Returns an AvsValueType enum directly, one can use it instead of calling all IsXXX functions to establish the type. (Rust use case)
- Enhancement (AviSynth#314): (avisynth.h) Gave all enums of public C++ API a name, and added DEFAULT_PLANE to AvsPlane (also in C API).
- Fix (AviSynth#314): (avisynth.h) Changed NewVideoFrameP() property source argument to const in accordance with copyFrameProps(), since it's not meant to be written
  Fixed in C interface as well: avs_new_video_frame_p and avs_new_video_frame_p_a: prop_src argument now const (no change in use)
- Enhancement (AviSynth#314): Made VideoFrameBuffer destructor public like in other classes of the public API to prevent compiler errors downstream when calling non-const member functions
- "Text" new parameter: "placement" for chroma location hint
  - Used in subsampled YUV formats, otherwise ignored.
  - Valid values for "placement" are the same as in ChromaInPlacement and
    ChromaOutPlacement in the Convert functions.
  - Meaningful values: "center", "left", "auto" at the moment
  - Default value is
    - read from "_ChromaLocation" frame property, otherwise "left"
    - override or set from "placement" parameter if parameter is other than "auto"
    - if "auto" + have frame property -> use frame property
    - if "auto" + no frame property -> use "left"
    - no frame property and no parameter -> use "left"
  - Only "center" and "left" is implemented. (center is known as jpeg or mpeg1, left is known as mpeg2)
    If "center" is given directly or read from frame property, it will be used.
    Otherwise "Text" renders chroma as "left" (mpeg2)
- "Text": Almost fully rewritten.
  (AviSynth#310) Support any width of bdf fonts (but still of fixed width)
  Render in YUY2 is as nice as in YV16
  Halo is not limited to original character matrix boundaries
  Halo is not character based, but rendered on the displayed string as a whole.
  Some speed enhancements, mainly for subsampled formats and outlined (with halo) styles
- Enhancement (AviSynth#315): Show exception message as well if a v2.6-style plugin throws AvisynthError in its
  AvisynthPluginInit3() instead of only "'xy.dll' cannot be used as a plugin for AviSynth."
- "Text": draw rightmost on-screen character even if only partially visible (was: not drawn at all)
- "Text": support more from the BDF standard (issue AviSynth#310): per-character boundary boxes and shifts
- "Text" (AviSynth#310): support 17-32 pixel wide external BDF fonts (issue AviSynth#310)
- Fix: "Text" rounding negative x or y coordinates (e.g. x=-1 resulted in 0 instead of -1)
- Fix: "Text" would omit last character when x<0
- Fix: "Text" halo_color needs only MSB=$FF and not the exact $FF000000 constant for fade
- "Text" ``halo_color`` allows to have both halo and shaded background when halo_color MSB=$FE
- "Text" much nicer rendering of subsampled formats (AviSynth#308)
- CMakeLists.txt: add support for Intel C++ Compiler 2022
- Address Issue AviSynth#305: Support for non-decorated avisynth_c_plugin_init in 32 bit C-plugins
- Huge documentation update by Reel-Deal
- Fix (AviSynth#304): ColorYUV analyze=true was displaying wrong min-max values for YUY2
- Fix: C API undefined behavior when upstream throw runtime error
  (released in test2, fixed in test6 - ffdshow crash)
- Mute compilation warnings in avisynth.h
- CMakeLists.txt: fix clang-cl/intel with ninja generator
- Fix (AviSynth#293): "Text" to throw proper error message if the specified font name (e.g. Arial) is not found among internal bitmap fonts.
- Fix (AviSynth#293): "Subtitle" and "Text" filter to respect the explicitely given coorditanes for y=-1 or x=-1,
  instead of applying vertical/horizontal center alignment.
- Fix: C interface crash when using avs_new_video_frame_p(_a)
- Fix (AviSynth#283): broken runtime functions min/max/minmaxdifference when threshold is not 0 (returned -1). Regression in 3.7.2
- New: add a sixth array element to PlaneMinMaxStats: average. Defines variable "PlaneStats_average" as well if setting variables is required.
- Fix (AviSynth#282): ConvertToRGB
  - do check for exact 8 or 16 bit input, because packed RGB formats exist only for 8 and 16 bits
  - keep alpha for RGBA planar - convert RGBAP8/16 to RGB32/64, while RGBP8/16 is still RGB24/48


Toggle v3.7.2's commit message
- C interface Win32 access: fix issue by adding V8 interface function…

… names to avisynth.def

  or else names are decorated (Issue AviSynth#276)
  e.g. DLL published _avs_get_frame_props_ro@8 instead of avs_get_frame_props_ro
- ShowRed/Green/Blue/Alpha/Y/U/V: addition to earlier fixes:
  When clips are planar and both source and destination format have alpha plane,
  then it will be copied instead of filled with 255d.
  Additional checking is done for alpha plane size when ShowU/V, because when
  source is subsampled the original alpha plane cannot be copied (larger).
- ConvertBits:
  Does not get frame 0 in constructor for frame properties if 'fulls' is directly specified. (magiblot)
  May make script initialization much quicker (Issue AviSynth#275)
- Trim, AudioTrim: bool 'cache' (default true) parameter.
  Workaround for Issue AviSynth#274, lower memory consumption but may be slower.
  Benefits heavily depend on how trimmed clips are used later.
- Expr: scale_inputs to case insensitive and add floatUV to error message as an allowed value.
- propCopy: able to specify that the property list is negative.
    bool "exclude" = false # default: "props" is positive list

    propCopy(org,true,props=["_Matrix", "_ColorRange"], exclude=false) # merge only two properties
    propCopy(org,true,props=["_Matrix", "_ColorRange"], exclude=true) # merge all, except listed ones
    propCopy(org,props=["_Matrix", "_ColorRange"]) # erase all then copy only selected
    propCopy(org,props=["_Matrix", "_ColorRange"], exclude = true) # erase all, then copy all, except listed ones

- Version()
  New optional parameters

    int length, int width, int height, string pixel_type, clip c

  Version clip defaults:
    length=240, width = -1, height = -1 (-1: automatically sized to fit for font size 24)
    pixel_type = "RGB24"

  When 'clip' (a format template) is specified then pixel_type, length,
  fps data, width and height are defined from it.
  If any additional 'length', 'width', 'height', 'pixel_type' parameter is given, it overrides defaults.
  When width and height is given and is <= 0 then it is treated as 'automatic'

  Covers feature request Issue AviSynth#261

- BlankClip: allow 'colors' with array size more than the number of actual planes.
  If an array is larger, further values are simply ignored.
- BlankClip, AddBorders, LetterBox: no A=0 check for non-YUVA
- Fade filter family new parameters
    int 'color_yuv'
    array of float 'colors'
  similar to BlankClip
- MergeRGB, MergeARGB
  - add MergeARGB parameter "pixel_type", similar to MergeRGB
  - accept pixel_type other than packed RGB formats, plus a special one is "rgb"
  - output format is planar rgb(a) (MergeRGB/MergeARGB) when
    - pixel_type = "rgb" or
    - pixel_type is empty and
      - either input is planar RGB
      - either input is different from 8 or 16 bits (no packed RGB formats there)
    - pixel_type is explicitely set to a valid planar rgb constant e.g. "RGBP10"
  - Accept planar RGB clip in place of input clips and the appropriate color plane is copied from them
  - Fill alpha channel with zero when MergeRGB output pixel_type format is specified to have an alpha plane
  - frame property source is the R clip; _Matrix and _ChromaLocation are removed if R is not an RGB clip
- PropDelete: accept a non-empty array string as list of property names to remove
  Parameter is not optional, and has no name. It can be either a string (as before) or an array of strings
    propDelete("_Matrix") # old syntax, still accepted
    propDelete(["_Matrix", "_ColorRange"])
- PropCopy: new string parameter "props" as list of property names to remove
    "props": a non-empty array of strings

    old syntax, still accepted:
      propCopy(org,true) # merge from all org's properties
      propCopy(org,false) # erase all then copy all org's properties (exact copy)
    new syntax
      propCopy(org,true,props=["_Matrix", "_ColorRange"]) # merge
      propCopy(org,props=["_Matrix", "_ColorRange"]) # erase all then copy only selected
- Histogram Levels: stop using shades of grey on top of bars.
- Histogram Levels: use bar color 255 for RGB instead of Y's 235. (and scaled eqivivalents)
- Fix: Histogram "Levels": prevent crash when factor=0.0
- Fix: Histogram "Levels": fix regression incorrect "factor" applied for U/V part drawing when format was subsampled (non-444)
  Regression since 20160916 r2666 (commit 986e275)
- Histogram "Audiolevels" and StereoOverlay to deny planar RGB
- Histogram "Luma": support 10-16 and 32 bits
- Histogram: give parameter name "factor" and type 'float' for Histogram's unnamed optional parameter used in "Level" mode.
  Other modes just ignore this parameter if given.
- Fix: Histogram "color" may crash on certain dimensions for subsampled formats.
  Regression since 20180301 r2632.
- Fix: Histogram "color" and "color2" mode check and give error on Planar RGB
- Fix: missing Histogram "color2" CCIR rectangle top and bottom line (black on black)
  Regression since 3.6.2-test1 (commit 1fc82f0)
- Fix: Compare to support 10-14 bits
  was: factor was always using 65535 (2^16-1) instead of (2^bit depth - 1)
  was: 16 bit luma/rgb color values were used for drawing graph
- Fix: Compare
  'channels' parameter default to "Y" when input is greyscale;
  instead of "YUV" which was giving error because of U and V does not exist for this format.
- ShowRed/Green/Blue/Alpha/Y/U/V
  - support YUY2 input
  - support YV411 output
  - (not changed: ShowU/ShowV may give error for 420, 422 or 411 format outputs when clip dimensions are
    not eligible for a given output subsampling (check for appropriate mod2 or mod4 width or height)
  - Copy alpha from source when target is alpha-capable
  - Fill alpha with maximum pixel value when target is alpha-capable but source ha no alpha component
  - Delete _Matrix and _ChromaLocation frame properties when needed.
  - More consistent behaviour for YUV and planar RGB sources.

    Default pixel_type is adaptive. If none or empty ("") is given for pixel_type then target format is
    - YUV444 when source is Y, YUV or YUVA
    - RGB32/64 (packed RGB) when source is RGB24/32/48/64
    - RGBP (planar RGB) when source is RGBP or RGBAP

    When 'rgb' is given for pixel_type then then target format is

    - RGB32/64 (packed) when source is RGB24/32/48/64 - old, compatible way
    - RGB planar when source is planar RGB(A) or YUV(A) or Y - changed from rgb32/64 because all bit depth must be supported

    When 'yuv' is given (new option!) for pixel_type then then target format is

    - YUV444 for all sources

    Also there is a new option when pixel_type is still not exact, and is given w/o bit depth.
    pixel_type which describes the format without bit depth is automatically extended to a valid video string constant:

      y, yuv420, yuv422, yuv444, yuva420, yuva422, yuva444, rgbp, rgbap


      32 bit video and pixel_type 'y' will result in "Y32"
      16 bit video and pixel_type 'yuv444' will result in "YUV444P16"
      8 bit video and pixel_type 'rgbap' will result in "RGBAP8"

- Fix AviSynth#263. Escaping double-quotes results in error
- Allow top_left (2) and bottom_left (4) chroma placements for 422 in colorspace conversions, they act as "left" (0, "mpeg2")
  in order not to give error with video sources which have _ChromaLocation set to other than "mpeg2"
- Fix: Expr LUT operation Access Violation on x86 + AVX2 due to an unaligned internal buffer (<32 bytes)
- Fix: Chroma full scale as ITU Rec H.273 (e.g +/-127.5 and not +/-127) in internal converters, ColorYUV and Histogram
- Fix AviSynth#257: regression in 3.7.1:  GreyScale to not convert to limited range when input is RGB. Regression in 3.7.1
  Accepts only matrix names of limited range as it is put in the documentation.
- Fix AviSynth#256: ColorYUV(analyse=true) to not set _ColorRange property to "full" if input has no such
  property and range cannot be 100% sure established. In general: when no _ColorRange for input and
  no parameter which would rely on a supposed default (such as full range for gamma), then an
  output frame property is not added.
  When no _ColorRange for input and no other parameters to hint color range then
  - gamma<>0 sets full range
  - opt="coring" sets limited range
  - otherwise no _ColorRange for output would be set
- Overlay (AviSynth#255): "blend": using accurate formula using float calculation. 8 bit basic case is slower now when opacity=1.0.
  Higher bit depths and opacity<1.0 cases are quicker.
  Mask processing suffered from inaccuracy. For speed reasons mask value 0 to 255 were handled
  as mask/256 instead of mask/255. Since with such calculation maximum value was not the expected 1.0 but rather 255/256 (0.996)
  this case was specially treated as 1.0 to give Overlay proper results at least the the two extremes.
  But for example applying mask=129 to pixel=255 resulted in result_pixel=128 instead of 129. This was valid on higher bit depths as well.
  Note 3.7.2 Test2 has a regression of broken maskless mode for 0<opacity<1 which was fixed in 3.7.2 test 3
- Fix: Attempt to resolve deadlock when an Eval'd (Prefetch inside) Clip result is
  used in Invoke which calls a filter with GetFrame in its constructor.
  (AvsPMod use case which Invokes frame prop read / ConvertToRGB32 after having the AVS script evaluated)
  Remark: problem emerged in 3.7.1test22 which is trying to read frame properties of the 0th frame in its constructor.
  A similar deadlock situation was already fixed earlier in Neo branch and had been backported but it did not cover this use case.
  Note: Prefetch(1) case was fixed in 3.7.2 Test3


Toggle v3.7.1a's commit message
Hotfix release

Needed for version checking with external projects when
pkg-config cannot be used.

Luckily, we already have version.h for this, so just copy
it to the avs subdir on install. This also required copying
arch.h as well.


Toggle v3.7.1's commit message

- Linux: Show more information when dlopen fails
- Expr: allow auto scaling effect on pixels obtained from relative addressing
- New array manipulators: ArrayDel, ArrayAdd, ArrayIns, ArraySet with accepting multi dimensional indexes
- ExtractY/U/V/R/G/B/A, PlaneToY: delete _ChromaLocation property. Set _ColorRange property to "full" if source is Alpha plane
- Add new AEP (Avisynth Environtment Property) constants to directly query Avisynth interface main and bugfix version and system endianness:
- New interface functions env->MakePropertyWritable/VideoFrame::IsPropertyWritable.
- Expr: allow 'f32' as internal autoscale target (was: i8, i10, i12, i14, i16 were accepted, only integers)
- Expr: LUT mode! 'lut'=1 or 2 for 1D (lut_x) and 2D (lux_xy) support
- xPlaneMin/Max/Median/MinMaxDifference to accept old packed formats (RGB24/32/48/64 and YUY2) by autoconverting them to Planar RGB or YV16
- New runtime function: PlaneMinMaxStats returns an array and/or set global variables.
- Language syntax: accept arrays in the place of "val" script function parameter type regardless of being named or unnamed.
- Histogram "Levels": more precise drawing when bit depth is different from histogram's resolution bit depth, plus using full/limited flag.
- Expr: no more banker's rounding when converting back float result to integer pixels. Using the usual truncate(x+0.5) rounding method
- ColorYUV: More consistent and accurate output across different color spaces, match with ConvertBits fulls-fulld conversions
- ColorYUV: set _ColorRange frame property
- ColorYUV: when no hint is given by parameter "levels" then it can use _ColorRange (limited/full) frame property for establishing source range for gamma
- ColorYUV "showyuv_fullrange"=true: fix shown U and V ranges. E.g. for bits=8: 128 +/- 127 (range 1..255 is shown) instead of 0..255
- propShow: display _Matrix, _ColorRange and _ChromaLocation constants with friendly names
- Expr: new function "sgn". Returns -1 when x is negative; 0 if zero; 1 when x is positive
- Expr: add "neg": negates stack top: a = -a
- ConvertBits: Support YUY2 (by autoconverting to and from YV16), support YV411
- ConvertBits: "bits" parameter is not compulsory, since bit depth can stay as it was before. Call like ConvertBits(fulld=true)
- ConvertBits: much nicer output for low bit depth targets such as dither_bits 1 to 7.
- ConvertBits: allow dither down from 8 bit sources by giving a lower dither_bits value
- ConvertBits: dither=1 (Floyd-S) to support dither_bits = 1 to 16 (similar to ordered dither)
- ConvertBits: dither=0 (ordered) to allow odd dither_bits values. Any dither_bits=1 to 16 (was: 2,4,6,8,..)
- ConvertBits: dither=0 (ordered) allow larger than 8 bit difference when dither_bits is less than 8.
- ConvertBits: Correct conversion of full-range chroma at 8-16 bits. Like 128+/-112 -> 128+/-127 in 8 bits
- ConvertBits: allow dither from 32 bits to 8-16 bits
- ConvertBits: allow different fulls fulld when converting between integer bit depths (was: they must have been the same)
- ConvertBits: allow 32 bit to 32 bit conversion
- frame property support: _ChromaLocation in various filters (e.g. ConvertToYUV422)
- Support additional chroma locations "top", "bottom_left", "bottom"
- New syntax for "matrix" parameters (e.g. in ConvertToYUV444 old:"rec601" new "170m:l") which separate matrix and full/limited marker.
  Old syntax is still valid but does not support all new matrix values.
- frame propery support: _Matrix and _ColorRange in various filters. New "matrix" string constants
- RGB<->YUV (YUY2) conversions: frame property support _Matrix and _ColorRange (_Primaries and _Transfer is not used at all yet)
- ConvertBits: use input frame property _ColorRange to detect full/limited range of input clip
- ColorBars, ColorBarsHD, BlankClip: set frame properties _ColorRange and _Matrix
- New function: propCopy to copy or merge frame properties from one clip to another.
- xxxPlaneMin xxxPlaneMax, xxxPlaneMinMaxDifference for 32 bit float formats:
  when threshold is 0 then return real values instead of 0..1 (chroma -0.5..0.5) clamped histogram-based result
- Allow propGetXXX property getter functions called as normal functions, outside runtime. Frame number offset can be used.
- YUY2 RGB conversions now allow matrix "PC.2020" and "Rec2020"
- 4:2:2 conversions: allow ChromaInPlacement and ChromaOutPlacement:
  Valid values: left/mpeg2, center/mpeg1/jpeg
- 4:2:0 conversions: new ChromaInPlacement and ChromaOutPlacement values:
  top_left, left (alias to mpeg2), center (alias to mpeg1), jpeg (alias to mpeg1) (see
- Expr: atan2 (SIMD acceleration as well)
- Expr: sin and cos SIMD acceleration (SSE2 and AVX2) port from VapourSynth (Akarin et al.)
- Expr: x.framePropName syntax for injecting actual frame property values into expression
- Script functions to supports arrays with _nz type suffix. (one or more)
- Expr: arbitrary variable names (instead of single letters A..Z), up to 128 different one.
- Expr: add 'round', 'floor', 'ceil', 'trunc' operators (nearest integer, round down, round up, round to zero)
  Acceleration requires at least SSE4.1 capable processor or else the whole expression is running in C mode.
- Recognize \\' and \\b and \\v in escaped (e"somethg") string literals (see
- Expr: allow TAB, CR and LF characters as whitespace in expression strings
- Clip types for propSet, propGet, add propSetClip, propGetClip
- Clip content support for propGetAsArray, propSetArray and propGetAll
- RGBAdjust: analyse=true 32 bit float support

Build environment, Interface:

- Added stubs for compiling on RISC-V and SPARC
- Visual Studio 2022: Add /fp:contract to compilation parameters (addition to /fp:precise)
- Check Visual Studio 2022, add build examples to documentation. Recognized: it has still an option to use v141_xp toolkit
- CMake build environment: older GCC can be used which knows only -std=c++-1z instead of c++17
- AviSynth programming interface V8.1 / V9:
  Add 'MakePropertyWritable' to the IScriptEnvironment (CPP interface), avs_make_property_writable (C interface)
  Add 'VideoFrame::IsPropertyWritable' (CPP interface), avs_is_property_writable (C interface)
- Info on Windows XP compatibility (must revert to an older Visual C++ Redistributable)
- CMake/source: Intel C++ Compiler 2021 and Intel C++ Compiler 19.2 support
- experimental! Fix CUDA plugin support on specific builds, add CMake support for the option.
- Fixes for building the core as a static library


- Fix: "Text" filter would crash when y coord is odd and format has vertical subsampling
- Fix: MinMax runtime filter family: check plane existance (e.g. error when requesting RPlaneMinMaxDifference on YV12)
- Fix: prevent x64 debug AviSynth builds from crashing in VirtualDub2 (opened through CAVIStreamSynth)
- Expr: fix conversion factor (+correct chroma scaling) when integer-to-integer full-scale automatic range scaling was required
- ColorYUV: fix 32 bit float output
- ColorYUV: fix display when showyuv=true and bits=32
- ConvertBits: "dither" parameter: type changed to integer. Why was it float? :)
- ConvertBits: Fix: fulls=true -> fulld=true 16->8 bit missing rounding
- Fix: Planar RGB 32 bit -> YUV matrix="PC.709"/"PC.601"/"PC.2020" resulted in greyscale image
- SelectRangeEvery: experimental fix on getting audio part (TomArrow; AviSynth#232)
- Fix: Overlay "blend" 10+ bit clips and "opacity"<1 would leave rightmost non-mod8 (10-16 bit format) or non-mod4 (32 bit format) pixels unprocessed.
- Fix: Overlay "blend" with exactly 16 bit clips and "opacity"<1 would treat large mask values as zero (when proc>=SSE4.1)
- Parser: proper error message when a script array is passed to a non-array named function argument
  (e.g. foo(sigma=[1.1,1.1]) to [foo]f parameter signature)
- Fix: Expr: wrong constant folding optimization when ternary operator and Store-Only (like M^) operator is used together.
- ColorBars: fixed studio RGB values for -I and +Q for rgb pixel types
- ColorBarsHD: use BT.709-2 for +I (Pattern 2), not BT.601.
  Also fixed Pattern 1 Green.Y to conform to SMPTE RP 219-1:2014 (133, not 134).
- Overlay mode "multiply": proper rounding in internal calculations
- Fix: ConvertAudio integer 32-to-8 bits C code garbage (regression in 3.7)
- Fix: ConvertAudio: float to 32 bit integer conversion max value glitch (regression in 3.7)
- Fix: Crash in ColorBars very first frame when followed by ResampleAudio
- Fix: frame property access from C interface
- Fix: StackVertical and packed RGB formats: get audio and parity from the first and not the last clip


- Quicker ClearProperties and CopyProperties filters (by using MakePropertyWritable instead of MakeWritable).
- ConvertBits: AVX2 support
- ConvertBits: Special case for: 8->16 bit fulls=true, fulld=true
- Expr: consume less bytes on stack. 48x Expr call in sequence caused stack overflow
- xxxPlaneMin xxxPlaneMax, xxxPlaneMinMaxDifference for threshold 0 became a bit quicker for 8-16 bit formats (~10% on i7-7700)
- Speedup: Overlay mode "multiply": overlay clip is not converted to 4:4:4 internally when 420 or 422 subsampled format
  (since only Y is used from that clip)
- Speedup: Overlay mode "multiply": SSE4.1 and AVX2 code (was: C only)
  SSE4.1: ~1.2-2.5X speed, AVX2: ~2-3.5X speed (i7700 x64 single thread, depending on opacity full/not, mask clip yes/no)
- ConvertAudio: Add direct Float from/to 8/16 conversions (C,SSE2,AVX2)


Toggle v3.7.0's commit message
- Haiku support

- PowerPC support
- Support for building the core as a static library (mcmtroffaes)
- Fixes for MinGW-w64 compilation
- Shibatch, TimeStretch, and ImageSeq GCC build support
- Shibatch, TimeStretch, and ImageSeq non-Windows support
- Fix: AddBorders did not pass frame properties
- Fix: propSet, propDelete and propClearAll not to ruin visibility of variables
  (property read functions are still kept being runtime only)
- AviSource: fix test5 regression which refused handling old formats like YV24
- Resizers: throw error on too small dimensions vs. taps
- Add ShowCRC32 debug filter. Parameters are the same as in ShowFrameNumber
- Overlay: allow 4:1:1 input
- Overlay: fix crash when mask is YUV411 and greymask=false
- Overlay: may work quicker, most input/overlay/mask/output clip format conversions moved to filter constructor
- RemoveAlphaPlane: do nothing on YUY2 instead of throwing an error message
- AviSource: support non-printing characters in fourCC code: allow [number] style, e.g. G3[0][16]
- AviSource: add Y410 (YUVA444P10) format support. Allow 'Y410' pixel_type hints.
- AviSource: decode b64a, b48r, v210, P210, P010, P016, P216, v410, Y416, r210, R10k, v308, v408, Y410 fourCCs natively.
- Fix: Average...: check for valid colorspace (e.g. no AverageB for a YUV clip)
- Add: AverageA
- New: Average...: allow YUY2, RGB24/32/48/64 inputs
- Fix: Overlay: Actual frame of a mask clip would be freed up too early in MT environment
- Fix: ConvertBits to ignore dither parameter instead of throwing error, in a 8 to 8 bit case
- Fix: GeneralConvolution missing internal rounding on 8-16 bit formats
- support for Win10 long file path option
- project: Improve inclusion of the ghc filesystem helper library
- project: Add a GitHub action workflow
- posix: fix crash when autoloading imports
- internally refactored ConvertAudio
- ConvertBits(8): fix dither=1 (floyd) for RGB48/RGB64
- Fix: Blur right side garbage: 16 bit+AVX2+non mod32 width
- Fix: check fn signature with implicite "last" first (3.6 regression)
- Fix: function parameters provided as arrays (e.g. GrunT callback of WriteFileIf)
- Fix: ConvertBits (YUV): proper rounding when bit depth is reduced and origin is 10-16 bits
  (added rounder before bit-shift)
- New: Histogram("color2") to support 10+ bits.
  Allow bits=x (x=8,9,10,11,12) parameter for this kind of histogram as well.


Toggle v3.6.1's commit message
- Fix: proper handling of autoload directories precedence:

    PluginDir+ in Software/Avisynth in HKEY_CURRENT_USER (highest priority)
    PluginDir+ in Software/Avisynth in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
    PluginDir2_5 in Software/Avisynth in HKEY_CURRENT_USER
    PluginDir2_5 in Software/Avisynth in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (lowest priority)
  Plugin (dll file name) found in a lower priority folder will not load if a similarly named plugin
  already existed earlier.
- fix: GeneralConvolution: incorrect parse of negative integer coefficient (added +1)
  Regression since r2772.
- Fix: GeneralConvolution: possible crash when chroma=true for 420 and 422 formats
- Fix: ScriptClip + Runtime function object (which are new in 3.6) under heavy multithreading
- New: Histogram("levels") to allow greyscale
- Fix 3.6 regressions
  - when explicit "return last" was needed when followed by legacy function definition.
  - Windows XP is supported again (thread local storage workaround)
  - Stabilize CPP 2.5 plugins
  - allow forced named arrays usage again from plugins (MP_PipeLine)
- Frame property related constants to match existing enum style in avisynth.h.
  Plus they are not colliding now with VapourSynth's definitions.


Toggle v3.6.0's commit message
- Added predefined macros for ARM processors. Tested on Raspberry Pi 4B.

- Added support for disabling the Intel SIMD intrinsics. Gets automatically disabled on non-x86 targets.
- Added submodule to allow macOS 10.13 and 10.14 to build AviSynth+ with the native Clang compiler
- Fixed some warnings on GCC (wangqr)
- Implemented GetNumPhysicalCPUs on Linux and macOS (wangqr)
- New function:
  SetMaxCPU(string feature)

  string "feature"

    "" or "C" for zero SIMD support, no processor flags are reported
    "mmx", "sse", "sse2", "sse3", "ssse3", "sse4" or "sse4.1", "sse4.2", "avx, "avx2"

    parameter is case insensitive.
    Note: "avx2" triggers FMA3 flag as well.

  Processor options w/o any modifier will limit the CPU flag report to at most the processor level.
  When "feature" is ended by '+', relevant processor feature flag will be switched on
  When "feature" is ended by '-', relevant processor feature flag will be removed
  Multiple options can be put in a comma separated list. They will evaluated in that order.

    SetMaxCPU("SSE2") reports at most SSE2 processor (even if AVX2 is available)
    SetMaxCPU("avx,sse4.1-") limits to avx2 but explicitely removes reporting sse4.1 support
    SetMaxCPU("C,avx2+") limits to plain C, then switches on AVX2-only support

- Script array for NEW_AVSVALUE define are working again. (default in Linux build - experimental)
- Fix: Mix/Max Runtime function 32bit float chroma: return -0.5..0.5 range (was: 0..1 range)
- AviSynth+ enhancements by Nekopanda (Neo fork)
  - Allow multiple prefetchers (MT) (mentioned earlier)
  - Multithreading and deadlock fixes for ScriptClip
    (originally I intended to pull only Neo changes which were fixing an old AVS+ bug,
     namely ScriptClip and multithreading. But I was not able to do that without pulling
     nearly everything from Neo)
  - Caching enhancements.
    SetCacheMode(0) or SetCacheMode(CACHE_FAST_START) start up time and size balanced mode
    SetCacheMode(1) or SetCacheMode(CACHE_OPTIMAL_SIZE) slow start up but optimal speed and cache size
    Latter can do wonders especially at really low memory environment
  - ScriptClip and variable stability in multithreading.
  - UseVar, special filter, opens a clean variable environment in which only the
    variables in the parameter list can be seen.

  - "escaped" string constants: with e prefix right before the quotation mask
    n"Hello \n" will store actual LF (10) control character into the string
    \n \r \t \0 \a \f \\ and \" are converted
  - Introduce function objects into scripts
    Functions can appear as standard Avisynth variables and parameters (AVSValue type='n')
    Even with variable capture [] (like in GRuntT args)

  - Filter graph. Switch it on by putting SetGraphAnalysis(true) at the beginning of the script.
    Dump to text file with DumpFilterGraph. E.g. DumpFilterGraph("graph.txt", mode=2)
  - Frame properties (still from Neo!)
    (experimental, we have planned it in Avs+, probably we'll try to follow the VapourSynth methods(?))
  - Fix: Multithreading enhancements and fixes (Nekopanda, from Neo fork)
  - Fix old ScriptClip (runtime filters) issue
    In this example "current_frame" variable was not seen by YDifferenceFromPrevious scripted within SubTitle
    resulting in "ERROR: Plane Difference: This filter can only be used within run-time filters" message
    Now this script finally works:
      SetLogParams("log.txt", LOG_DEBUG)
      ColorBars(width=640, height=480, pixel_type="yv12")
      ScriptClip(last, "Subtitle(String(YDifferenceFromPrevious))")
  - Fix deadlock of ScriptClip on MT
  - MT improvement
    - Allow multiple Prefetchers
    - Add argument to Prefetch to change # of prefetch frames without changing # of threads

    Prefetch (clip c, int threads, int "frames")

    In the original Plus, you could use only one Prefetch, but you can use any number of CUDA versions.
    Also, an argument has been added to specify the number of frames to prefetch.
    Prefetch (1,4) # Make 1 thread stand and prefetch 4 frames
    By doing so, flexible parallelization configuration is possible, such as pipeline parallelization.

    Number of threads. If it is 0, it passes without doing anything.

    Number of frames to prefetch.
    Again, if it is 0, it passes without doing anything.
- Fix: BuildPixelType: chroma subsampling of sample clip was ignored.
- POSIX: better behaviour under non-Windows because of having multiple sized fixed fonts, not only a single size=20 one.
  e.g. MessageClip(), Info(), Version(), ColorYUV "show", internal ApplyMessage
- Text filter:
  - font types with
    - "Terminus" fixed fonts added (12-14-16-18-20-22-24-28-32, regular + bold)
    - "Info_h" good old 10x20 fixed font kept under this name
  - much more international unicode characters (1354), use utf8=true under Windows
  - use fontname parameter (default "Terminus", other choice is "info_h")
  - use font_filename parameter (accepts BDF fonts at the moment - import is probably not too smart but worked for Terminus)
  - use size parameter (12 to 32, if no size is available, a smaller one is chosen but at least the smallest one)
  - new parameter: bold (default false)
- Info() filter: when parameter "size" < 0, font is automatically enlarged over 640x480
  (POSIX limit: minimum size is 12, maximum size is 32 - limited by available fixed fonts)")
- SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE added because of usage of Terminus fonts)
- able to build w/o GDI and font rendering engine under Windows, so that text-overlay filters
  work like in POSIX version of AviSynth+ (mainly for my development test)
  Use with NO_WIN_GDI define.
- Fix: ReplaceStr when the pattern string to be replaced is empty
- New:
  Exist() to have bool utf8 parameter
  This is another function to have utf8 option:
  Usage: b = Exist("Здравствуй.mkv",utf8=true). Avs file is saved as utf8 w/o BOM
- Fix: broken Exist for directories (regression appeared in 3.5.0)
- Fix: ColorYUV: really disable variable search when parameter "conditional" is false
- Development:
  ScriptEnvironment::VSprintf: parameter (void *) is changed back to va_list.
  May affect C interface (avs_vsprintf) and CPP interface (ScriptEnvironment::VSprintf)
- Enhanced: Planar RGB to YUV 444 10-14 bits: more precision (32 bit float internally)
- Enhanced: Planar RGB to YUV 444 10-16 bits: AVX2 (speed improvement)


Toggle v3.5.1's commit message
- More compiler coverage on POSIX

  - Native Clang on FreeBSD 12.1
  - Native AppleClang on Catalina
  - general code correctness fixes (-fpermissive is no longer required)
- AddAutoloadDir now works on macOS and BSD
  - FreeBSD requires mounting procfs first in order for autoload to function
- Automatic plugin autoloading now enabled on POSIX
- ConvertStacked now is built and installed on POSIX by default
- SONAME and SOVERSION defined for POSIX
- Fix: BuildPixelType: chroma subsampling of sample clip was ignored.
- POSIX: better behaviour under non-Windows because of having multiple sized fixed fonts, not only a single size=20 one.
  e.g. MessageClip(), Info(), Version(), ColorYUV "show", internal ApplyMessage
- Text filter:
  - font types with
    - "Terminus" fixed fonts added (12-14-16-18-20-22-24-28-32, regular + bold)
    - "Info_h" good old 10x20 fixed font kept under this name
  - much more international unicode characters (1354), use utf8=true under Windows
  - use fontname parameter (default "Terminus", other choice is "info_h")
  - use font_filename parameter (accepts BDF fonts at the moment - import is probably not too smart but worked for Terminus)
  - use size parameter (12 to 32, if no size is available, a smaller one is chosen but at least the smallest one)
  - new parameter: bold (default false)
- Info() filter: when parameter "size" < 0, font is automatically enlarged over 640x480
  (POSIX limit: minimum size is 12, maximum size is 32 - limited by available fixed fonts)")
- SIL OPEN FONT LICENSE added because of usage of Terminus fonts)
- able to build w/o GDI and font rendering engine under Windows, so that text-overlay filters
  work like in POSIX version of AviSynth+ (mainly for my development test)
  Use with NO_WIN_GDI define.
- Fix: ReplaceStr when the pattern string to be replaced is empty
- New:
  Exist() to have bool utf8 parameter
  This is another function to have utf8 option:
  Usage: b = Exist("Здравствуй.mkv",utf8=true). Avs file is saved as utf8 w/o BOM
- Fix: broken Exist for directories (regression appeared in 3.5.0)
- Fix: ColorYUV: really disable variable search when parameter "conditional" is false
- Development:
  ScriptEnvironment::VSprintf: parameter (void *) is changed back to va_list.
  May affect C interface (avs_vsprintf) and CPP interface (ScriptEnvironment::VSprintf)
- Enhanced: Planar RGB to YUV 444 10-14 bits: more precision (32 bit float internally)
- Enhanced: Planar RGB to YUV 444 10-16 bits: AVX2 (speed improvement)


Toggle v3.5.0's commit message

- New: Native Linux, macOS, and BSD support.
- New function:
  bool IsVersionOrGreater(int majorVersion, int minorVersion [,int bugfixVersion]) function
  Returns true if the current version is equal or greater than the required one in the parameters.
  The function is checking the current version against the given parameters (similar to a Windows API function)
  e.g. IsVersionOrGreater(3, 4) or IsVersionOrGreater(3, 5, 8)
- New: "Expr" helpers:
  - Constants "yrange_min", "yrange_half", "yrange_max"
    Unlike the luma/chroma plane adaptive "range_min", "range_half", "range_max" these constants always report the luma (Y) values
  - new parameter: bool clamp_float_UV (default false)
    this parameter affects clamping of chroma planes: chroma is clamped between 0..1.0 instead of -0.5..0.5s
  - "clamp_float" is not ignored (and set to true) when parameter "scale_inputs" auto-scales 32 bit float type pixels
  - New "yscalef" and "yscaleb" keywords similar to "scalef" and "scaleb" but scaling is forced to use rules for Y (non-UV) planes
  - new allowed value "floatUV" for scale_inputs.
    In short: chroma pre-shift by 0.5 for 32 bit float pixels
    Affects the chroma plane expressions of 32 bit float formats.
    Shifts the input up by 0.5 before processing it in the expression, thus values from -0.5..0.5 (zero centered) range are converted to the 0..1 (0.5 centered) one.
    Since the expression result internally has 0..1.0 range, this then is shifted back to the original -0.5..0.5 range. (since 2.2.20)
    Note: predefined constants such as cmin, cmax, range_min, range_max and range_half will be shifted as well, e.g. the expression will see range_half = 0.5
  - These modifications are similar to Masktools2 2.2.20+
- New: AddBorders, LetterBox: new color_yuv parameter like in BlankClip

- Fix: ConvertBits 32->8 for extremely out of range float pixel values.
  When pixel value in a 32 bit float format video was way out of range and greater than 128 (e.g. instead of 0 to 1.0 for Y plane) then the ConvertBits(8) had artifacts.
- Fix potential crash on exit or cache shrink (linux/gcc only?)
- Layer: support RGB24 and RGB48 (internally processed as Planar RGB - lossless pre and post conversion)
- Fix: RGBP to 444 8-14bit right side artifacts at specific widths
- Fix: "scalef" and "scaleb" for 32 bit input, when scale_inputs="floatf" produced wrong result
- Fix: missing rounder in V channel calculation of PlanarRGB->YUV 8-14bits SSE2 code
- Overlay: show error when Overlay is fed with clips with different bit depths
- Fix: TemporalSoften possible access violation after SeparateFields (in general: after filters that only change frame pitch)
- Fix: Shibatch.DLL Access Violation crash when exit when target rate is the same as vi.audio_samples_per_second or audio_samples_per_second is 0
- Build system: Cmake: use platform toolset "ClangCL" for using built-in Clang support of Visual Studio.
  Since VS2019 v16.4 there is LLVM 9.0 support.
  Use: Tools|Get Tools and Features|Add Individual Components|Compilers, build tools, and runtimes
       [X] C++ Clang compiler for Windows
       [X] C++ Clang-cl for v142 build tools (x64/x86)
  (for LLVM Clang installed separately, please use llvm or LLVM - no change in its usage)
- Fix: Resizers to really resize alpha channel (YUVA, RGBPA)
- Fix: crash when outputting VfW (e.g. VirtualDub) for YUV444P16, other fixes for r210 and R10k formats
- WavSource: really use "utf8" parameter, fix some debug asserts
- TimeStrech: pass internal errors as Avisynth exception text (e.g. proper "Excessive sample rate!" instead of "unhandled C++ error")


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Release 3.4.0