Three.js Sphere
Courtesy of Bruno Simon course and DesignCourse youtube video
This project was made by following the DesignCourse tutorial video from Three.js
A simple sphere with increase size animation and hover mouse effects... cool ins't? 😏
Three.js is a library of JavaScript used to create 3D animations ❌like scroll animation, mouse follow, particles and so many others❌
First released by Ricardo Cabello in your Github profile back in 2010.
You can checkout the examples to see the power that this library have and what can be made with that!
Download Node.js.
In Visual Studio Code Terminal or other code generator run this followed commands:
# Cloning the repository
git clone FolderName
# Select the folder
cd FolderName
# Install dependencies (only the first time)
npm install
# Run the local server at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# Build for production in the dist/ directory
npm run build
The full project you can download ➡here⬅