SEOmonitor API Documentation
- API version: 3.0.0
For more information, please visit
PHP 5.5 and later
To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"require": {
"git_user_id/git_repo_id": "*@dev"
Then run composer install
Download the files and include autoload.php
To run the unit tests:
composer install
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: AuthorizationToken
$config = Seomonitor\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('Authorization', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('Authorization', 'Bearer');
$apiInstance = new Seomonitor\Client\Api\CampaignsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$campaign_ids = "campaign_ids_example"; // string | The Tracked Campaigns IDs for which you want the data to be returned. Please refer to the Quick Start Guide to learn how to retrieve your campaign IDs. If you do not specify `campaign_ids`, the endpoint will return the data for all active Tracked Campaigns you have access to, across all company accounts.
$company_id = 56; // int | The ID of the subscription that contains the Tracked Campaigns for which you want to return data. This is useful for users who have access to multiple company accounts. Please refer to the Quick Start Guide to learn how to retrieve your company IDs. If you don't specify a `company_id`, the endpoint will return the data for all Tracked Campaigns you have access to, across all company accounts.
$limit = 56; // int | The maximum number of Tracked Campaigns to return data for. Maximum Value: 100 records per request If you do not specify a `limit`, the default number of records returned per request will be 10.
$offset = 56; // int | This parameter specifies the starting point within the collection of resource results. It's typically used with the `limit` parameter to implement pagination. If you do not specify an `offset`, the API will start from the first record.
try {
$result = $apiInstance->dashboardV30CampaignsTrackedGet($campaign_ids, $company_id, $limit, $offset);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling CampaignsApi->dashboardV30CampaignsTrackedGet: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CampaignsApi | dashboardV30CampaignsTrackedGet | GET /dashboard/v3.0/campaigns/tracked | Get Tracked Campaigns |
ForecastApi | forecastV30KeywordsGet | GET /forecast/v3.0/keywords | Get Forecast keywords |
ForecastApi | forecastV30ObjectiveGet | GET /forecast/v3.0/objective | Get Forecast objective Data |
ForecastApi | forecastV30ScenarioGet | GET /forecast/v3.0/scenario | Get Forecast scenario Data |
ForecastApi | forecastV30ScenariosGet | GET /forecast/v3.0/scenarios | Get Forecast scenarios |
KeywordResearchApi | researchV30DomainOverviewGet | GET /research/v3.0/domain-overview | Get URL/Domain Overview |
KeywordResearchApi | researchV30DomainRankingKeywordsGet | GET /research/v3.0/domain-ranking-keywords | Get Ranking Keywords |
KeywordResearchApi | researchV30KeywordsGet | GET /research/v3.0/keywords | Get Keyword Data |
KeywordResearchApi | researchV30RankingDataGet | GET /research/v3.0/ranking-data | Get Ranking Data |
KeywordResearchApi | researchV30RelatedKeywordsGet | GET /research/v3.0/related-keywords | Get Related Keywords |
KeywordResearchApi | researchV30TopicOverviewGet | GET /research/v3.0/topic-overview | Get Topic Overview |
KeywordVaultApi | keywordVaultV30GetKeywordDataByListGet | GET /keyword-vault/v3.0/get-keyword-data-by-list | Get Keyword Data by List |
KeywordVaultApi | keywordVaultV30GetOverviewDataGet | GET /keyword-vault/v3.0/get-overview-data | Get Overview Data |
OrganicTrafficApi | organicTrafficV30DailyTrafficGet | GET /organic-traffic/v3.0/daily-traffic | Get Daily Traffic Data by Segment |
OrganicTrafficApi | organicTrafficV30KeywordsGet | GET /organic-traffic/v3.0/keywords | Get Traffic Data by Keywords |
RankTrackerApi | rankTrackerV30DailyShareOfClicksGet | GET /rank-tracker/v3.0/daily-share-of-clicks | Get Daily Share of Clicks |
RankTrackerApi | rankTrackerV30GroupsDailyVisibilityGet | GET /rank-tracker/v3.0/groups/daily-visibility | Get Daily Group Visibility |
RankTrackerApi | rankTrackerV30GroupsDataGet | GET /rank-tracker/v3.0/groups/data | Get Groups Data |
RankTrackerApi | rankTrackerV30GroupsGet | GET /rank-tracker/v3.0/groups | Get Groups List |
RankTrackerApi | rankTrackerV30KeywordsCompetitionGet | GET /rank-tracker/v3.0/keywords/competition | Get Keywords Competition Data |
RankTrackerApi | rankTrackerV30KeywordsDailyRanksGet | GET /rank-tracker/v3.0/keywords/daily-ranks | Get Daily Keyword Ranks |
RankTrackerApi | rankTrackerV30KeywordsGet | GET /rank-tracker/v3.0/keywords | Get Keyword Data |
RankTrackerApi | rankTrackerV30KeywordsImportPost | POST /rank-tracker/v3.0/keywords/import | Add New Keywords |
RankTrackerApi | rankTrackerV30KeywordsImportStatusGet | GET /rank-tracker/v3.0/keywords/import-status | Get Keywords Import Status |
RankTrackerApi | rankTrackerV30KeywordsRankingPagesGet | GET /rank-tracker/v3.0/keywords/ranking-pages | Get Ranking Pages |
RankTrackerApi | rankTrackerV30KeywordsSerpFeaturePresenceGet | GET /rank-tracker/v3.0/keywords/serp-feature-presence | Get Daily SERP Feature Presence |
RankTrackerApi | rankTrackerV30KeywordsTopResultsGet | GET /rank-tracker/v3.0/keywords/top-results | Get Top 100 Results |
- AddCampaignPostBody
- AddKeywords
- AnalyticsData
- BestRank
- CampaignDetailsRegular
- CampaignInfo
- CampaignVisibility
- CampaignVisibilityTimeframes
- CompletionStatus30days
- CompletionStatusDateSessions
- ContentChange
- ContentChanges
- ContentLandingPageIssue
- DailyShareOfClicks
- DifficultyValue
- DomainCompetitorRank
- DomainCompetitorVisibility
- DomainOverviewTraffic
- DomainOverviewVisibility
- DomainRankingKeywordsData
- DomainRankingsData
- DomainVisibility
- ForecastAdditionalTraffic
- ForecastAdsEquivalent
- ForecastConfigConversionData
- ForecastConfiguration
- ForecastKeywordAdditionalTraffic
- ForecastKeywordAvgRank
- ForecastKeywordData
- ForecastKeywords
- ForecastMonthlyForecastTrafficSessions
- ForecastMonthlyForecasts
- ForecastMonthlyForecastsTraffic
- ForecastObjectiveData
- ForecastObjectiveDetails
- ForecastOverviewData
- ForecastOverviewInertialTraffic
- ForecastScenarioData
- ForecastScenarioSearchData
- ForecastSeoGoal
- ForecastTargetAvgRank
- ForecastTargetAvgVisibility
- ForecastTargetData
- ForecastTrafficConversions
- ForecastTrafficEstimatedAvgRanks
- ForecastTrafficRevenue
- ForecastTrafficVisibility
- Group
- GroupDailyVisibility
- GroupDetails
- GroupDetailsVisibility
- GroupKeywordCounters
- GroupsAvgRank
- GroupsDesktopVisibility
- GroupsDetailsKeywordsCounters
- GroupsFeatureVisibility
- GroupsImportPostBody
- GroupsMobileVisibility
- GroupsOpportunity
- GroupsSearchData
- GroupsSearchIntent
- GroupsSerpData
- GroupsSerpMobileDesktop
- GroupsTrafficData
- GroupsVisibility
- GroupsVolumeByDevice
- GscData
- KeywordCanibalizationLandingPageChange
- KeywordCanibalizationOnDate
- KeywordCanibalizationRankData
- KeywordCompetition
- KeywordCompetitorRankingData
- KeywordDailyRank
- KeywordDailyRankingData
- KeywordDailyRanks
- KeywordDetail
- KeywordLandingPages
- KeywordRankTrend
- KeywordRankingData
- KeywordResearchRankingData
- KeywordSerpData
- KeywordSerpFeature
- KeywordSerpResult
- KeywordTrafficData
- KeywordTrafficEcommerce
- KeywordTrafficGoals
- KeywordVaultGetKeywordDataByList
- KeywordVaultGetOverviewData
- KeywordsImportPostBody
- KeywordsImportStatus
- LandingPages
- MonthlySearches
- Objective
- ObjectiveCompletionStatus
- Opportunity
- OverviewTrafficData
- RankingKeywords
- RankingPages
- ResearchDomainOverview
- ResearchDomainRanking
- ResearchKeywords
- ResearchRankingData
- ResearchSearchData
- ResearchSerpData
- ResearchSerpFeature
- Scenarios
- SearchData
- SearchesPercentagesByDevice
- SerpFeatuersCounter
- SerpFeaturePresence
- SerpFeaturePresenceByDevice
- SerpFeaturePresenceSerpData
- ShareOfClicksDomains
- Top100Results
- TopResults
- TopicKeywordDetail
- TopicOverviewSerpData
- TopicOverviewSerpFeature
- TopicOverviewVisibility
- TopicsOverview
- TrafficEcommerce
- TrafficGoals
- TrafficKeywords
- TrafficKeywordsEcommerce
- TrafficKeywordsGoals
- TrafficOverview
- TrafficUnallocated
- VisibilityDesktopMobile
- WebsiteExplorerKeywordCompetitorData
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header