Tags: Burmuley/priority-pubsub
* refactored `process.HttpRaw` and `process.HttpDapr` into a single e… …ntity `process.Http` * introduced `transform` package with `TransformationFunc` type to implement transformation functions for messages data * added first `TransformationFunc` implementation `DaprAws` for Dapr messages transformation when running with AWS SNS/SQS driver * the `Run` function of `process.Processor` interface now accepts `transform.TransformationFunc` as third parameter * configuration parser now supports new config section `transformer` * updated documentation and example configuration files in `examples` directory
* moved packages from `internal` directory to the root * added `http_dapr` `Processor` implementation * using context with AWS API calls * moved configuration parsing to `getPollLaunchConfig` function * moved example scripts and configuration files to `examples` directory * updated README.md