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Tags: CD4017BE/RedstoneControl



Toggle v0.3.1's commit message

- improved all kinds of in-game descriptions (#38, #35) and renamed the
Redstone Processors into FPGAs
- reordered item registration to make creative tab and JEI item list
more organized (creative tab is still chaos on older save-game
- added Bitmap i/o format for external RAM
- added "Creative Capacitors": command block and various modded creative
blocks work as infinite battery
- made JEI recipes with same output merge into one to fix #36
- added Remote Control
- added more Processor/FPGA operations: floating point operators, more
constants, highest/lowest one bit, bit count, bit mask, random, time
- added new BGA16 Processor/FPGA type and an Integrated Control Panel
(as proposed in #37)
- fixed Processor/FPGA GUI alignment (GUI shifted up out of screen for
high IO count)
- included energy capability in Block Mirror Socket (after considering
that it's not actually that overpowered)
- made many Control Panel Modules variable sized (#22): Text, 7-Segment,
Oscilloscope, Analog Pointer
- added Panel Sockets (#22)
- fixed some initial variable values not being transfered to compiled
- fixed ghost ports on panel (sometimes happened after removing modules)

- for MC-1.12.2
- forge- (or newer)
- CD4017BE_lib-6.5.1


Toggle v0.3.0's commit message

- fixed potential crash in circuit diagram rendering
- fixed the Signal Probe render crash in #34
- fixed several text formatting issues
- fixed read value updates when writing to read address in RAM (#31)
- fixed circuit compiler problem on variable write without read
- fixed strange chunk load bugs with 3D-Block Frames being seen as
missing from Block Selectors and Chunk Loaders
- fixed some clocked Comparator issues during world load
- add a few more mod integration recipes
- added Block Teleporters
- added Block Reference Deserializer and Reorienter
- re addedBlock Probe Wire as Block Access Plug
- made wire connections teleport compatible
Warning not fully compatible with old world saves. Potential problems
include strange buggy behavior when removing or changing old wire
connections. Backup your world before updating!

- for MC-1.12.2
- forge- (or newer)
- CD4017BE_lib-6.5.0


Toggle v0.2.7's commit message

- added Wireless Block Reference Connector
- added Chunk Loader
- fixed power transfer remainder being backwards
- added Signal Probe Monitor
- made clocked Comparator use default block ref and auto tick
- changed block materials to ROCK because CIRCUITS has issues
- fixed en-/decoding schematics with null gates in list causing index
- fixed connecting additional wires to split plug may error and dupe

- for MC-1.12.2
- forge- (or newer)
- CD4017BE_lib-6.4.17


Toggle v0.2.6.1's commit message

- added binary and hex editing/display for constant plug and lamp
- added Pulse Generator Plug
- added Toggle Latch Plug
- added Signal Splitter Plug
- add clock output operator for Processors
- add buffered, tick precise I/O operations to OpenComputers Adapter
- fixed energy drain from OpenComputers Adapter not working
- added any -> X and X -> any Slot operations to Item Translocator
- improved BlockFrame scan (finds the full box starting from edge now)
- moved Frame rendering to BlockSelector (fixes corner boxes drawing)
- added quick switch buttons between Assembler and Editor GUI
- added Processor auto assembly feature

- for MC-1.12.2
- forge- (or newer)
- CD4017BE_lib-6.4.17


Toggle v0.2.6's commit message

- added binary and hex editing/display for constant plug and lamp
- added Pulse Generator Plug
- added Toggle Latch Plug
- added Signal Splitter Plug
- add clock output operator for Processors
- add buffered, tick precise I/O operations to OpenComputers Adapter
- fixed energy drain from OpenComputers Adapter not working
- added any -> X and X -> any Slot operations to Item Translocator
- improved BlockFrame scan (finds the full box starting from edge now)
- moved Frame rendering to BlockSelector (fixes corner boxes drawing)
- added quick switch buttons between Assembler and Editor GUI
- added Processor auto assembly feature

- for MC-1.12.2
- forge- (or newer)
- CD4017BE_lib-6.4.17


Toggle v6.4.15's commit message

- fix NullPointer when computing BlockFaceShape of empty boundingBox
- fix IndexedSet insertion to same index as before
- added more control over zero trimming and sign in unit scale

- for MC-1.12.2
- forge- (or newer)


Toggle v0.2.4's commit message

- fixed #17 missing null check in signal output
- fixed broken wires dropping wrong items
- fixed #20 NPE when placing empty processor causing item dupe
- fixed Processor opening GUI when trying to break
- fixed #18, #19 and several other spelling mistakes
- added reference subtract input to clocked comparator
- added Threshold Trigger component
- added Signal Scale component
- added Signal Offset component
- added Oscilloscope component
- added signal adapter for OpenComputers

- for MC-1.12.2
- forge- (or newer)
- CD4017BE_lib-6.4.15


Toggle v0.2.3.2's commit message
- fixed spelling mistakes

- fixed Processor GUI opening when trying to break
- fixed #20 NPE when placing empty processor causing item dupe
- fixed block reference and energy wires dropping regular signal wires


Toggle v0.2.3.1's commit message
fix #17 missing null check in signal output


Toggle v0.2.3's commit message

- fixed CD4017BE/CD4017BE_lib#20 crash through race condition
- fixed #15 server crash due to client side only issues
- added Light Sensor augment
- added Plant Growth Sensor augment