Android Activity 滑动返回。支持微信滑动返回样式、横屏滑动返回、全屏滑动返回
viewpager with parallax pages, together with vertical sliding (or click) and activity transition
Paging indicator widgets compatible with the ViewPager from the Android Support Library and ActionBarSherlock.
Memory safer implementation of android.os.Handler
A simple watchdog that detects Android ANR (Application Not Responding) error and throws a meaningful exception
基于Android Classic Bluetooth的蓝牙聊天软件,目前仅支持一对一实时通信、文件传输、好友添加、好友分组、好友在线状态更新等功能,其中消息发送支持文本、表情等方式。
RWKV (pronounced RwaKuv) is an RNN with great LLM performance, which can also be directly trained like a GPT transformer (parallelizable). We are at RWKV-7 "Goose". So it's combining the best of RN…
AIdea 是一款支持 GPT 以及国产大语言模型通义千问、文心一言等,支持 Stable Diffusion 文生图、图生图、 SDXL1.0、超分辨率、图片上色的全能型 APP。
SeetaFace 6: Newest open and free, full stack face recognization toolkit.
A lightweight, good expandability Android library used for displaying different pages like loading, error, empty, timeout or even your custom page when you load a page.(优雅地处理加载中,重试,无数据等)
An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and POSIX.
Lantern官方版本下载 蓝灯 翻墙 代理 科学上网 外网 加速器 梯子 路由 proxy vpn circumvention gfw
Lifecycle handling APIs for Android apps using RxJava
Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
An Android Animation library which easily add itemanimator to RecyclerView items.
🗡️ 云阅:一款基于网易云音乐UI,使用玩Android Api,Retrofit2 + RxJava2 + Room + MVVM-databinding架构开发的Android客户端
[DEPRECATED] Android library for using the Honeycomb animation API on all versions of the platform back to 1.0!
Android library to observe scroll events on scrollable views.
A fast ImageView that supports rounded corners, ovals, and circles.
[Deprecated]A expandable Layout to save space and reduce jump between Activity and Fragment