Keep track of the progress you made on different wargame and programming challenge platforms.
- No server needed, it's hosted using Github Pages.
- Data is updated daily using Travis CI CRON.
Open an issue and we'll add you!
- node >= v10.9.0
- npm
Install dependencies:
npm install
$ bin/scoreboard -h
Usage: scoreboard [options] [command]
-h, --help output usage information
update|u Update all data sets
Update all data sets:
$ bin/scoreboard update -h
Usage: update|u [options]
Update all data sets
-h, --help output usage information
$ bin/users -h
Usage: users [options] [command]
-h, --help output usage information
add|a [options] Add a data to the data sets
search|s [options] <query> Search users in the data sets
Add user:
$ bin/users add -h
Usage: add|a [options]
Add a data to the data sets
-n, --name <full name> Full name
-z, --ringzer0team <username> Ringzer0team username
-r, --root-me-url <url> Root-me profile url
-h, --help output usage information
Update user:
$ bin/users update -h
Usage: update|u [options] <id>
Update a user in the data sets
-n, --name <full name> Full name
-z, --ringzer0team <username> Ringzer0team username
-r, --root-me-url <url> Root-me profile url
-h, --help output usage information
Search user:
$ bin/users search -h
Usage: search|s [options] <query>
Search users in the data sets
-f, --full Display full information
-h, --help output usage information
It's a Vue.js application, it uses
- vuex to manage the state
- vue-router to manage routes
- apexcharts to display beautiful graphs
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run lint