All the things I use. This targets OSX only
Install Apple's Command Line Tools (they are prereqs for Git and Homebrew)
xcode-select --install
Update XCode to the latest version. Some apps, like lazygit, will fail to install otherwise
Clone into a new hidden directory at the root. Make sure that you are using your fork (if forked)
git clone ~/.dotfiles
Run the install script
cd ~/.dotfiles source
There's a lot of stuff in here. Actually, there's a lot of stuff that you may not need! Fork this repo, remove what you don't use and add what you do use.
- Uses zap as a plugin manager
- Aliases are set up in aliases.zsh and exports in exports.zsh
- Sets up Tmux Plugin Manager (tpm) automatically on first run
- Remaps the prefix to
install tmux plugins<C-a>r
reload tmux configuration- Check the configuration for a list of plugins used
- Uses lazyvim
Starship prompt
Symlinking is done via GNU Stow. Stow is included in the Homebrew installation step.
Make a new folder, or "package" in GNU stow terms
Add the files you want to create symlinks for inside the newly added package. The contents of the folder will be linked to the user's home directory
- To ignore files within a package, add a
file. For example, checkiterm2/.stow-local-ignore
- To ignore files within a package, add a
stow */
to link all packages, orstow [package name]
to link a specific package. For example,stow nvim