SingleFlight is linux-userland C++ flight controller, without any external micro-controller
This project differs from Betaflight and inav in that it focuses on running controller in ARM-Linux, and suit for indoor navigation.
Warnning: This project is GPL3.0!
becuse of job ...
- GetStarted
- Run in Linux User Land, not require any realtime os
- Run in Raspberrypi4B without any external controller
- 4kHZ with Attitude Control and 100HZ IMU navigation
- ESC oneshot125 support with PCA9685, YES, it's ONESHOT125, Up to 1.5KHZ
- Position hold , Speed hold with stick
- Simple C++ API control copter's speed , position, attitidue. Custom Position sensor and RC input support
- Auto-Takeoff support
- Attitude controll with MPU9250
- Surface Tracking with Mateksys 3901-L0X: OPTICAL FLOW & LIDAR SENSOR
- AltHold controll with Mateksys 3901-L0X , or MS5611 Pressure sensor
- GPS hold with M8N (Unimplment)
- QMC5883 or HMC5883 support (Uninplment)
- 5 - 7 inch Race-Quadcopter test Pass
- PCA9685 PWM controller to ESC
- Sbus and Ibus RC support
#TestModule Is using Json lib for FlightController configure
#You need to compile and install nlohmann/json in you RaspberryPi OS
git clone
cd json && git checkout v3.7.0
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j1 #prevent 1GB device OOM,if your Pi is over 2gb can use -j4
sudo make install
cd ../.. #Please make sure what things you are doing
#Build RPiSingleAPM
git clone --recursive
cd RPiSingleAPM && mkdir build
cd build && cmake ..
make -j1 && cp SingleAPM /usr/bin
cd .. && cp APMconfig.json /etc/ #Copy APMConfig.json to /etc/ , this file has flying controller settings,like pid tunning
SingleAPM -r # Run APM Programe If data fresh at screen , you can try to fly
#Do this in you git project if you using CMake
git submodule add [Dir-Where-you-want]
target_link_libraries([YOU-EXEC] RPiSingleAPI)
# If you use git submodule , when you clone a new dir, you need to add --recursive
# or After Clone run:
git submodule update --init --recursive
If you are RaspberryPi4B, and want to use GPS or FlowSensor. You can check here
# Edit /boot/config.txt
core_freq = 250
# If you want to use software Serial for RC controller
# If RC use hardware serial can be higher
# If using Analog Video Output on PI4 should be 360 and use hardware serial
dtparam=i2c_baudrate=400000 #RaspberryPi3 Is max to 400khz,Pi4 can Up to 1MHZ
# This set i2c and spi enable for RaspberryPi
# or you can use sudo raspi-config to configure
dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt # Disable Software Serial for GPIO
dtoverlay=uart3 # if you are Pi4 that you can use more than 4 GPIO Uart
# Set Uart enable and use Hardware serial
# Attention: If config.txt exist same object ,replase it
# AfterChange Save and reboot RaspberryPi to effect the settings
AddOn: You need to Disable GPIO UART Login TTY. You can check here