The OntoMathPro ontology has been developed by a research group from Kazan Federal University (Russia). This ontology is bilingual (English/Russian) and is geared to be the hub for math knowledge in the Web of Data. We shared the sources with the Semantic Web community to engage our colleagues from elsewhere in its further development. We are going to create an ecosystem of datasets and mashups around the ontology.
We use a human readable format OWL 2 Manchester Notation.
Have a question? Would like to contribute to the ontology or develop your own mashup on it? Please join our mailing list and ask how!
[1] O. Nevzorova, N. Zhiltsov, D. Zaikin, O. Zhibrik, A. Kirillovich, V. Nevzorov, E. Birialtsev. Bringing Math to LOD: A Semantic Publishing Platform Prototype for Scientific Collections in Mathematics // 12th International Semantic Web Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia, October 21-25, 2013, Proceedings, Part I. - Vol. 8218. - Springer Berlin Heidelberg. - 2013. pp 379-394. [Google Scholar]
[2] O. Nevzorova, N. Zhiltsov, A. Kirillovich, E. Lipachev. OntoMathPro Ontology: A Linked Data Hub for Mathematics // Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and the Semantic Web.- Springer.- 2014.- pp.105-119. [ArXiv]
If you leverage the ontology in your research, please cite [2].
'Proceedings of Higher Education Institutions: Mathematics' (PHEIM) dataset is available via our SPARQL endpoint.
Ontology-based math formula search
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