Cannot decide if you should like the artist? Cobalt-Cleric will you valuable time by helping you making the decision easier and quicker.
- Product Owner: Kingsten Banh (kingstenbanh)
- Scrum Master: Silvia Santos (chiaS)
- Development Team Members: Krystal Raphael (Kdr18702), Will Sentance (willsen)
Visit the site, enter a desired artist, then submit your request. Your answer will be provided immediately
bluebird: 2.3.11 body-parser: 1.10.0 express: 4.10.4 express-partials: 0.3.0 express-session": 1.9.3 mongoose: 3.8.20 pitchfork: 0.0.8 request: 2.49.0
From within the root directory:
sudo npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
View the project roadmap here
See for contribution guidelines.