ProtoESP hardware and documentation files ^_^ The intention for this repo is to host the hardware source files - eventually. It will also have documentation sources - i.e. pinout diagrams configuration files!
Need files? Please go to the "Releases" tab!
Currently, the hardware source git repository is here.
The "Releases" tab has files with board derivative files (gerbers, schematic PDFs, STEP and so on)!
Not everything is done yet, at this point in time. Currently lacking things:
- Documentation (except for everything that hardware source and derivative files can provide)
- Lasercut backing files
- JLCPCB or PCBWay order-ready files for "in-house assembly" specifically (gerbers are not enough, it needs specially processed pick&place and BOM files!)
Contact me if you need help with some of these files ASAP! See below for contact information.
This board intention is that you can produce it on your own! The files published in "releases" should help you with that!
Need any help or got any questions? Contact me on Twitter or!