That is our attempt on solving the CSC Hackathon 2023 problem provided by LUN.UA
training was done on 32000 samples
precision recall f1-score support
0 0.99825 0.99935 0.99880 15431
1 0.99861 0.99627 0.99744 7229
accuracy 0.99837 22660
macro avg 0.99843 0.99781 0.99812 22660
weighted avg 0.99837 0.99837 0.99837 22660
We take ResNet 152 and retrain the last fully connected layer. Then we produce embeddings of images using our network and measure distance between them. Read more about Contrastive loss and Siamese Network if you are interested or check the implementation.
Model was trained of 32000 pairs of images on MacBook Pro 2021, M1, 32GB
(took ~25 minutes).
Evaluating the test dataest consisting of 22660 images took 1063 seconds, or 0.046 seconds per pair.
Feel free to experiment with the model yourself!
Check out ResNet.ipynb
Don't forget to load the unzipped photoes to the folder data/images
| - Data (metadata files for the test and training data)
| - ResNet.ipynb (train and experiment with the model yourself)
| - hypertuner.ipynb (optuna hyperparameter tuner)
| - hypertuner-augment.ipynb (modified optuna hyperparameter tuner that uses data augmentations)
| - (miscellanious methods and classes: custom Dataset, Dataloader, model train, etc)
. . . (you won't need the other ones most likely. mostly experiments and scripts for data loading)