NOTE THAT PROJECT HAS 3 MAIN SECTIONS, SEPARATED BY FOLDERS -- Frontend (frontend development) -- Monitoring (for api) -- PyeFarmProject (mostly configuration)
- Cameron King
- Luke Billard
- Jumanah Babar
- Andrew O'brien
- Aaron Greenland
STRONGLY RECOMMENDED creating a virtual environment by doing:
py -m venv PyeFarm
- In order to "activate" the virtual environment
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
- may be required for computers using Windows
PyeFarm\Scripts\activate (Windows)
ORsource PyeFarm/bin/activate
Now, you should be in the virtual environment.
- Make sure you have python 3.12 installed and then download dependencies contained in the requirements file
pip install -r requirements.txt
- (Do this while in the virtual environment)
cd frontend
npm i
- (I already had node installed so this might cause problems, not sure)
python3 runserver
- Running without
has resulted in an import error for Django before
npm run dev
Will also likely need to install css-loader
npm install --save-dev css-loader
If MaterialUI is not working for you, try the following
npm install @mui/material @mui/styled-engine-sc styled-components
npm install @mui/icons-material
npm install @fontsource/roboto