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General purpose modern C++ Signal-Slot providing ease of use, flexibility and extremely high performance aiming to replace traditional interfaces in real-time applications


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For design choices see this blog post

Why Yet Another Signal-Slot Library?

This library is optimized for video games (and probably other low-latency applications as well). Interestingly, even though the observer pattern is generally useful, it has never been standardized in C++, which leads to the never-ending attempts at improvements by curious people. Many signal-slot libraries do not focus on performance, e.g. boost::signals2 invocation can be 90x more expensive than a simple function call.

There are many similar libraries - such as jl_signal, nuclex signal/slots and several dozens more. My work is based on a previous research which focused on the syntax and performance improvements brought by a C++17 feature - template<auto>. This library is a combination of modern C++ exploration, system programming and data-structure design. It aims to become feature-complete like boost::signals, yet extremely light-weight - both run time and memory footprint - in order to replace interface or std::function based callbacks.

signal emission is faster than virtual function calls. Compared to virtual calls, signal calls only take between 22% and 77% of the time, depending on the number and the level of randomness of classes and objects.

Design Choices

Direct (Blocking) Calls

In game systems, the logic flow often consists of many fast and weakly ordered function calls. Asynchronous calls are rather the exceptions than the default. Thread-safe calls add additional costs, thus should be the exceptions rather than the default.

Optimized for Emission

Latency is the bottleneck.

O(1) Connection and Disconnection

In a dynamic world, slots (receivers) are often frequently created and destroyed. A linear search removal algorithm can easily become the performance bottleneck, especially when a large number of slots all disconnect at the same time. Removing by swapping with the end mitigates the problem, but the overall time spent removing N slots with a linear search would still be O(N^2). In this library, a slot is removed by marking its index unused, which then gets skipped and cleaned up in the next emission. Benchmarks have shown that the overhead is dominated by memory accessing (cache misses), rather than checking for null (pipeline stalling).

Safe Recursion and Modification While Iterating

Just like direct function calls, recursions can naturally emerge from complex and dynamic behaviors. Furthermore, the signals and slots may be side-effected by their own results!


Simply include the single header, signals.hpp. A C++17 compliant compiler is necessary. Give it a try on Godbolt!


The following example demonstrates how to define, connect and emit a signal.

// A function callback
void on_update(float delta) { }

// A member function callback
class my_class{
  void on_update(float delta) { }

int main()
  // A signal specifying its signature in the template parameter
  fteng::signal<void(float delta)> update;

  // Connects to a function callback

  // Connects to an object's member function
  my_class* my_obj = new my_class;

  // Connects to a lambda callback
  update.connect([](float delta) { });

  // Connects to a generic lambda callback
  update.connect([](auto&&... as) { });

  // Emits the signal

  delete my_obj;

Signals automatically disconnect from their slots (receivers) upon destruction.

class button{
  public: fteng::signal<void(button& btn, bool down)> pressed;

class my_special_frame {
  std::vector<button> buttons;

  my_special_frame() {

  void on_button_pressed(button& btn, bool down) {
    /* ... */

Connection Management

Slots don't automatically disconnect from the signal when they go out of scope. This is due to the non-intrusive design and the "pay only for what you use" principle.

To help automatically disconnect the slot, the connect() method returns an unmanaged (raw) connection, which may be converted to a fteng::connection representing the unique ownership. It is recommended to save this connection into the slot's structure in order to automatically disconnect from the signal in an RAII fashion.

The following design would automatically disconnect the object from the signal when it is deleted.

class game { /*...*/ };
fteng::signal<void(const game& instance)> game_created;

class subsystem
  //Connects a signal with a lambda capturing 'this'
  fteng::connection on_game_created = game_created.connect([this](const game& instance)
    std::cout << "Game is created.\n";

int main()
  subsystem* sys1 = new subsystem;

  game game_instance;
  game_created(game_instance); // Notifies each subsystem

  delete sys1; // Automatically disconnects from the signal

  game game_instance2;
  game_created(game_instance2); // Notifies each subsystem. Should not crash.

Alternatively, you may use a member function for callback.

class subsystem
  //Connects a signal with a member function
  fteng::connection on_game_created = game_created.connect<&subsystem::on_game_created_method>(this);

  void on_game_created_method(const game& instance)
    std::cout << "Game is created.\n";

A few important notes about the connection object:

  • connection is default-constructible, moveable but not copyable.
  • Destroying the connection object would automatically disconnect the associated signal and slot.
  • If you know the slot outlives the signal, it's fine to connect them without saving the connection object. There won't be any memory leak.
  • If the signal can outlive the slots, store the connection in the slot's structure so that it disconnects the signal automatically.

Connecting / Disconnecting Slots from Callback

Sometimes during the callback, we might want to disconnect the slot from the signal. There are also cases where we want to create or destroy other objects, who just happen to observe the same signal that triggered the callback. The following example demonstrates how these usage are supported by the library.

fteng::signal<void(entity eid)> entity_created;

class A
  std::unique_ptr<B> b;

  fteng::connection on_entity_created = entity_created.connect([this](entity eid)
    // Creates a 'B' which also connects to the signal.
    // It's fine to connect more objects to the signal during the callback, 
    // With a caveat that they won't be notified this time (but next time).
    b = std::make_unique<B>(); 

class B
  // C is some class that also listens to entity_created
  std::vector<C*> cs;

  fteng::connection on_entity_created = entity_created.connect([this](entity eid)
    /* ... */
    if (eid == some_known_eid){

      // Imagine this operation automatically disconnects all C objects from entity_created
      // It's fine to disconnect any object from the signal during the callback, no matter if it's
      // the object being called back or any other object. The disconnected objects are skipped over.
      for (C* c : cs) 
        delete c;

      // Also fine

      // Also fine - Don't do this in modern C++ though ...
      delete this;

Blocking a Connection

A connection can be temporarily disabled with block(), so that it won't be notified by the signal until it has been unblock() ed again.

fteng::signal<void()> sig;

class Foo
  fteng::connection conn = sig.connect([this](){
    sig(); // Now this won't cause an infinite recursion.

Performance Benchmark

With a little help of template metaprogramming, I've generated classes of different virtual tables (even though small vtable with just 2 methods).

The bottleneck of emission is the cache loading, therefore it makes sense to test different scenarios depending on object memory addresses and class vtable addresses. If the objects being called are nicely aligned in the memory, we could expect a speed-up from the cache coherence. Similarly, if all objects are from the same class, their virtual methods would be the same and therefore a speed-up. In the benchmark, I've tested 4 scenarios where each creates 100,000 objects from at most 100 different classes:

  • SAME class, SEQUENTIAL objects: all objects are instances of the same class, and are contiguous in the memory.
  • SAME class, RANDOM objects: all objects are instancess of the same class, but are randomly scattered in the memory.
  • RANDOM class, SEQUENTIAL objects: each object's class is one of 100 possible classes, but they are contiguous in the memory.
  • RANDOM class, RANDOM objects: each object's class is one of 100 possible classes, and they are randomly scattered in the memory.

Xeon E3-1275 V2 @ 3.90 GHz 16.0 GB RAM

Signal (member func) Signal (lambda) Virtual Call Sig(mem func) % of Virtual Sig(lambda) % of Virtual
SAME class, SEQUENTIAL objects 303 us 335 us 482 us 62% 69%
SAME class, RANDOM objects 307 us 354 us 1336 us 22% 26%
RANDOM class, SEQUENTIAL objects 990 us 995 us 1288 us 76% 77%
RANDOM class, RANDOM objects 998 us 1009 us 1795 us 55% 56%

Signal-Slots Benchmark Compared to Other Libraries

See Using Windows + MSVC setup provided by the benchmark (/O2) Xeon E3-1275 V2 @ 3.90 GHz 16.0 GB RAM

Disclaimer: The benchmark does not represent real-world use cases and the relative rankings are not good indicators of performance. Nevertheless, it does show the emit performance of this library is among the top ones while also securing the recursion- and modification-safety.

Library [constr] [destr] conn disconn reconn emit all threaded score
FTeng Signals 16033 17740 7381 304829 12718 107016 730 0 432673
jeffomatic jl_signal 20778 14887 77133 29369 77766 109911 17880 0 312059
Nuclex Events 46275 44721 18807 17958 18763 109255 8477 0 173259
Wink-Signals 42809 53225 9786 18696 21041 96149 9590 0 155262
Montellese cpp-signal 42558 13554 11351 11600 12407 108239 5597 0 149194
Ansoulom cpp-observe 37842 20341 7011 14945 11190 107264 5922 0 146332
palacaze sigslot 32652 15235 9514 13086 17031 97824 7219 0 144674
Yassi 40914 25610 7819 12252 16473 96715 6773 0 140032
nano-signal-slot st 38215 18256 8877 12698 14650 96543 6744 0 139512
mwthinker Signal 3556 4141 8431 9887 7674 108291 4563 0 138845
fr00b0 nod 21444 12154 11978 28861 39660 42886 12828 0 136214
* nano-signal-slot ts 34028 11758 7223 11938 13659 96010 5968 699 135497
vdksoft signals 4134 5311 10221 12905 11024 93769 5497 0 133416
amc522 Signal11 19416 20536 7359 11054 7871 102716 4288 0 133288
SimpleSignal 3527 4407 7328 7012 7088 105191 3497 0 130116
pbhogan Signals 3516 4962 10071 8347 10381 91944 4402 0 125144
joanrieu signal11 1881 2477 10355 13391 10598 84307 5288 0 123940
* Montellese cpp-signal 12507 4525 7500 6299 7085 90935 2979 466 115264
supergrover sigslot 1981 2723 3803 3834 3353 96302 1730 0 109022
* palacaze sigslot 3634 2739 7378 10098 11548 72604 5173 625 107426
* cpp11nullptr lsignal 1696 1702 3505 6418 3527 87205 2233 358 103247
* fr00b0 nod 11969 9026 9215 17567 21581 38875 7712 498 95448
nano-signal-slot sts 42074 22216 8164 13002 14266 53808 5208 0 94446
* CppFakeIt FastSignals 3021 3477 5733 11957 13855 35967 5257 147 72915
* Kosta signals-cpp 12738 4490 2652 33577 2250 28149 1949 240 68817
EvilTwin Observer 2301 3587 3526 6502 4453 51396 2561 0 68437
* Boost Signals2 199 385 2820 19639 2344 21210 282 31 46325
* nano-signal-slot tss 3705 2563 7255 5901 11080 17082 2829 469 44615
* dacap observable 8421 1036 7667 6865 8612 12014 2839 99 38097
copperspice cs_signal 5370 1631 2315 2110 2316 9260 1002 0 17003
neolib event 11703 473 1813 3764 2204 4398 1013 0 13191
* neolib event 11889 480 1682 3352 2020 4285 942 84 12365


General purpose modern C++ Signal-Slot providing ease of use, flexibility and extremely high performance aiming to replace traditional interfaces in real-time applications







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  • C++ 98.6%
  • C 1.1%
  • Other 0.3%