check-bib-for-predatory Public
check-bib-for-predatory - Double-check your bibliography (BibTeX, bib) for predatory publishers and journals
podcast-cli Public
podcast-cli - Some shell / bash scripts to search in and extract the audio links of (itunes-) podcast feeds
Hotify Public
Hotify creates hot folders based on a configuration in which predefined shell commands are executed.
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 19, 2023 -
text-to-speech Public
A small text-to-speech (PDF or TXT) shell script utilizing pdftotext, say, and ffmpeg
Shell MIT License UpdatedFeb 19, 2023 -
TileBaker Public
TileBaker combines pictures in given source directory into a tile (e.g. for an overview of a team to be used on presentations)
Python MIT License UpdatedFeb 19, 2023 -
matplotlib-din461 Public
matplotlib-din461 - Changes the appearance of a python matplotlib 2D plot in accordance with DIN461
autohotkey Public
My personal collection of mostly self-made Autohotkey (ahk) scripts
tensor-algebra Public
tensor-algebra - Some frequently required methods for the implementation of problems in the field of continuum mechanics, i.e. tensor algebra.