VK API wrapper for NodeJS
Feel free to use it. If you have any wishes, you can post it there on GitHub
Install the module with: npm install vk-api
var vk_api = require('vk-api');
var VK = new vk_api({appID: APPID, appSecret: APPSECRET}, REDIRECT_URL);
VK.api('users.get', {id: 1234, lang: 'en'}, function(err,result) {
//Some processing
Or if you want to take User id
var vk_api = require('vk-api');
var VK = new vk_api({appID: APPID, appSecret: APPSECRET}, REDIRECT_URL);
VK.init(function(err) {
VK.api('users.get', {id: VK.userId, lang: 'en'}, function(err,result) {
//Some processing
Authorization with access token
var vk_api = require('vk-api');
var VK = new vk_api({appID: APPID, appSecret: APPSECRET}, null, null, ACCESS_TOKEN);
VK.init(function(err) {
VK.api('users.get', {id: VK.userId, lang: 'en'}, function(err,result) {
//Some processing
(Coming soon)
See examples directory
0.1.0 - 10/30/2013
Copyright (c) 2013 Andromant
Licensed under the MIT license.