I'm a passionate full-stack developer with expertise in creating web applications, mobile apps, and backend systems. I love solving real-world challenges using technology and enjoy collaborating with dynamic teams to bring innovative ideas to life.
🌱 I’m currently exploring advanced backend architectures and enhancing my frontend design skills.
👯 I’m open to collaborating on projects involving web development, mobile applications, and innovative software solutions.
💬 Ask me about full-stack development, React, Spring Boot, or Agile methodologies.
💡 I’m driven by a passion for building systems that make a tangible impact.
✍️ I enjoy writing about emerging technologies and software development trends.
React,Angular, Redux, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript
Node.js, Express.js, Spring Boot, Laravel Firebase, MongoDB, MySQL Postman, Git, Firebase, RESTful APIs Reach Native Agile, ScrumLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chethana-wijesinghe/
[email protected]
Feel free to connect, collaborate, and create amazing projects together!