In a terminal window, navigate to the root directory of the project and run the following command: npm install
- React
- React Router DOM (routing between pages)
- Material UI
- Tailwindcss (rapid css styling)
- Hero Icons
- Axios (api requests)
- Concurrently (to run front-and-back end at the same time)
In a terminal window, navigate to the backend directory of the project and run the following command: npm install
- All of the frontend's main files are in the "src" folder.
- There are two sub-folders "Components" and "Contexts"
- Any and all components you create, organize them in components with the first letter of the file being a capitol letter: "Homepage.jsx" or "Navbar.jsx"
- If you're wondering why we use .jsx instead of .js, .jsx is tailored for working with React
- All routing will be done through the App.jsx
- To incorporate a Private or Public route, it should look like this:
<Route path="/dashboard" element={<PrivateRoute element={<Dashboard />} />} />